Alpha Blue

Alpha Blue was a covert subdivision operating within the New Republic Intelligence Service. The unit was not publicly acknowledged and lacked any official designation. Its purpose was to execute clandestine intelligence activities and specialized operations, monitoring potential dangers while circumventing the oversight of the New Republic Senate.


Although the organization was internally referred to as Alpha Blue, it had no publicly recognized name. Initially, its existence was known only to a select few high-ranking officials with top-level security clearances. Furthermore, a shroud of secrecy enveloped the group, ensuring its absence from all official government and military records. Personnel operating within this unit did not carry standard identification and refrained from displaying any insignia during their assignments. They utilized specialized datacards for handling sensitive information. These datacards employed a unique encoding system, rendering them unreadable on standard datapads. Additionally, these datacards could be erased and reformatted without compromising the sensitive data stored within.

The agency housed a research branch known as Alpha Red. The leader of the organization held the title of Director. The group also employed specialized analysis droids tasked with scrutinizing intelligence data.


Alpha Blue originated from Shadow Operations, a team of operatives under the direction of Airen Cracken established after the Battle of Endor. Shadow Operations engaged in acts of sabotage, disseminated disinformation, and, when necessary, carried out assassinations to intensify the conflicts among the warring Imperial warlords, Moffs, Admirals, and Advisors that arose following the death of Emperor Palpatine. During the New Republic's liberation campaign spanning from 4 to 6 ABY, Shadow Operations significantly facilitated the New Republic's advance toward Coruscant by preventing the reunification of Imperial forces.

Having observed, during the reborn Emperor's campaign, how the New Republic's burgeoning bureaucracy could impede crucial actions during critical moments, Chief of State Mon Mothma ordered the formation of Alpha Blue to conduct clandestine intelligence and special operations missions, bypassing the cumbersome processes of government committees and ministries. Shadow Operations served as the foundation for this new agency, with Admiral Hiram Drayson appointed as its head, granted broad operational authority. Few outside the highest levels of the New Republic were aware of Alpha Blue's existence, and even fewer knew the specifics of its operations. The agency monitored various potential threats and influential figures, extending beyond the scope of New Republic Intelligence to neutralize threats before they escalated.

Prior to the Black Fleet Crisis, Admiral Drayson sought the assistance of Lando Calrissian after Alpha Blue detected multiple sightings of the enigmatic ghostship known as the Teljkon Vagabond. Following a briefing, Drayson dispatched the smuggler to conduct further investigations into the discovery. Alpha Blue played a significant role in the confidential analysis of the initial meeting between Viceroy Nil Spaar of the Duskhan League and Chief of State Leia Organa Solo. Subsequently, they were instrumental in gathering intelligence on the Yevetha and their Great Purge of the Koornacht Cluster.

Shortly before the outbreak of the Yuuzhan Vong War, Drayson retired from his position, passing leadership to Jan Ors. During the conflict, Alpha Blue collaborated with New Republic Intelligence, Lurrian genetic engineers, and Chiss scientists to develop Alpha Red.

