An officer from Galactic Alliance Intelligence respectfully tips his hat. Galactic Alliance Intelligence officers were officers who served within the ranks of the Galactic Alliance Intelligence Service. During the time of the Second Imperial Civil War, a trio of these officers went with Admiral Gar Stazi of the Galactic Alliance Remnant to a location known as The Wheel. Their role was to act as bodyguards while Stazi engaged in negotiations with Captain Mingo Bovark of the Empire-in-exile. Following the sabotaged negotiations by agents working for Darth Krayt's Galactic Empire, they participated in a brief lightfight against the Imperial Knights Antares Draco and Ganner Krieg.
It is worth noting that on the cover art for Legacy (2006) 10, the Intelligence officers present on The Wheel were mistakenly shown as blue-armor–clad troopers. These figures were later identified as Galactic Alliance Infantry Troopers within the Legacy Era Campaign Guide.