Within the Galactic Alliance Intelligence Service, Titch served as an agent. This Human male, approximately in his mid-twenties around 40 ABY, possessed dark hair, a wide frame across his shoulders, and a build reminiscent of a professional grappler.
In collaboration with Captain Elsen Barthis, Titch attempted to persuade Wedge Antilles to share intelligence regarding Rogue Squadron with the Galactic Alliance just before the Second Galactic Civil War commenced. This endeavor, however, was a ruse designed to lure Antilles to Coruscant, where he was intended to be imprisoned throughout the conflict. Before departing, Titch made a point of conveying his disdain for Wedge, and indeed all pilots from the Rebellion era, whom he felt were excessively proud of their past achievements. Titch further mentioned that he was indifferent to whether the Rebels or the Empire held power, expressing his satisfaction had the Empire remained in control. As a final menacing statement, he warned Wedge that he always kept his blaster on "burn" instead of "stun" in case of an escape attempt. Undeterred, Wedge retorted that upon his eventual breakout, Titch would be reassigned to cleaning the "refresher" facilities.
Ultimately, Wedge executed a cunning scheme, utilizing his water rations and a computer power cable to electrocute Titch, thereby facilitating his own liberation. Prior to his departure from the cell, he reminded Titch of his earlier declaration that the security officer would be demoted to cleaning the refreshers following Antilles' successful escape.