
Mazzic, a Myke male smuggler, eventually joined Talon Karrde's Smugglers' Alliance. This alliance opposed Grand Admiral Thrawn and provided aid during the New Republic's shipping difficulties. At one time, Shada D'ukal, a Mistryl Shadow Guard, served as Mazzic's bodyguard.


Mazzic, the renowned smuggler, began his career as a freighter captain for the Galactic Empire, operating from Corellia. He had a falling out with his Imperial employers after someone close to him was killed by the Empire, who were attempting to reach Mazzic. He fled to the Corporate Sector and quickly established himself as a smuggler.

Mazzic established a small organization, which mainly consisted of himself, the crew of his freighter, the Distant Rainbow, and the pilots Griv and Amber of two Preybird-class starfighter, the Raptor [/article/raptor_(preybird)] and Skyclaw. Although he harbored no affection for the Empire, he was willing to transport goods for them, and he enjoyed charging them exorbitant rates for his services.

Mazzic reluctantly meets with Grand Admiral Thrawn

Despite being extremely secretive about his background, Mazzic did not isolate himself from other smugglers. Many considered him a friend, possibly due to his strong sense of justice. While he was cautious about whom he trusted, he treated those he did trust as lifelong friends.

His commitment to his friends and his sense of justice were evident when he impulsively attacked and destroyed a Star Destroyer that was under construction at the Bilbringi Shipyards after the death of the Gotal smuggler Lishma.

Lishma was killed by Imperial forces during a smugglers' meeting on Trogan. Ironically, Lishma had voted against opposing the Empire at the meeting and was not armed during the firefight with the stormtroopers. Lishma's death, however, convinced Mazzic to join Talon Karrde's Smugglers' Alliance.

In his middle age, Mazzic still presented an imposing figure in a skintight black flight suit, with two blaster pistols in cross-draw rigs across his chest. He often wore a short black cloak and red-lensed flight goggles. He was always seen with a toothpick in his mouth.

For a period, Mazzic was accompanied by a beautiful, though seemingly shallow, woman named Shada, who was much more than she appeared to be.

During Karrde's meeting at the Whistler's Whirlpool on Trogan, Mazzic initially opposed armed resistance against Thrawn. However, after being attacked by Imperial Lieutenant Kosk and his Chariot LAVs in an ambush orchestrated by Niles Ferrier, he quickly joined Karrde.

Thrawn later captured Mazzic and then released him in an attempt to sow discord within the Smugglers' Alliance, with Ferrier's assistance. Although initially successful, Ferrier's incompetence led to his death at Amber's hands as he fled the scene in his gunship, which was shot down by the Raptor. Mazzic went on to command the Smugglers' Alliance forces at the Battle of Bilbringi.

Mazzic's renowned ability to evade Imperial customs frigates and their traps made him a prime candidate for Talon Karrde's Smugglers' Alliance, even though Karrde considered Mazzic's sense of justice to be misguided.

Ten years later, in 19 ABY, Mazzic happened to be Karrde's contact who apprehended Lak Jit, the Devaronian who had escaped Wayland with information about the discovery of the Caamas Document, which implicated a group of Bothan saboteurs in the Caamas Firestorm. After subduing Lak Jit, Mazzic remarked with some contempt that the information was useless, as nobody would care about the events that happened to a single world so long ago. He was greatly mistaken, failing to anticipate the Caamas Document Crisis that followed the revelation.

Behind the scenes

Original Human Mazzic and his bodyguard Shada

Originally, Mazzic was portrayed as a human, and there was no mention of him having an alien appearance in The Last Command. Similarly, the artwork for The Last Command Sourcebook depicted Mazzic as a human. Later comic depictions by Dark Horse Comics drastically altered Mazzic's appearance to a dark-haired, blue-skinned near-human, who was later identified as a member of the Myke race.

