Raid on Bilbringi

The Raid on Bilbringi represents an assault executed by the recently formed Smugglers' Alliance. This operation was carried out by smugglers Mazzic and Ellor against the forces of the Galactic Empire at the Bilbringi Shipyards, serving as a response to the Ambush on Trogan.


Following the Imperial ambush that occurred during the smuggler gathering on Trogan, Mazzic and Ellor sought to deliver a retaliatory strike against the Empire. Their target was the Bilbringi Shipyards, and their motive was to avenge the death of Lishma, the Gotal smuggler.

The raid

Approximately twenty of Mazzic's freighters managed to infiltrate the system undetected. They then proceeded to obliterate a nearly finished Imperial-class Star Destroyer situated within the construction docks of the shipyards. The attacking ships then came under fire from squadrons of TIE Fighters. However, these fighters were swiftly dealt with by Ellor's two Corellian Gunships, which arrived to provide cover for the freighters' escape.


Grand Admiral Thrawn expressed significant displeasure regarding the destruction of the Star Destroyer and the smugglers' involvement in the ongoing war. He attempted to convince them that he bore no responsibility for the ambush on Trogan, but his efforts were unsuccessful. The smugglers soon discovered that Ferrier was an Imperial agent and the mastermind behind the ambush.

Talon Karrde, who was present at the raid as an invited guest of Mazzic, witnessed the event. Moments before the Star Destroyer exploded, he observed the twenty-two asteroids that Thrawn would later utilize in his attack on Coruscant.

