Boren Tascl served as a Moff in the Galactic Empire, a Human stationed on the planet of Cilpar throughout the duration of the Galactic Civil War. He possessed a typical physique for a man, further distinguished by a goatee paired with a lengthy mustache.
As stated by Elscol Loro, the head of the Cilpar resistance, Moff Tascl was in talks regarding the transfer of Imperial installations to the Rebels when word broke of the demise of Emperor Palpatine. Following this, he initiated assaults against the local resistance movement. Tascl's attire resembled that of an Imperial colonel. Tascl spearheaded a ground attack against Rogue Squadron alongside their resistance comrades, piloting an AT-ST. Ultimately, he faced defeat and capture when their base was overtaken.
The name "Boren" translates to the verb "drill" in Dutch.