The Imperial Era saw the celebration of the 25th anniversary of the resolution of the Alderaan Ascendancy Contention in 3 BBY. To commemorate this event, Bail Prestor Organa, the Prince, Viceroy, and First Chairman of the Alderaan system, hosted a grand gala within the Grand Reception Room of the Aldera Royal Palace. Attendees included Count Adan Dooku along with his son Bron, and Jahan Cross, an envoy representing the Emperor Palpatine. Organa, together with his daughter Leia and her companion Winter, greeted all the guests. After the reception, select dignitaries were given lodging within the palace. Cross's official purpose was to deliver the Emperor's greetings. Secretly, however, he carried out a mission to assassinate Dooku, using the night after the gala as an opportunity to fulfill this task, unbeknownst to the Organa family.