
Furgan, a warlord from the planet Carida, was a male of the Caridan species. Carida also housed the Imperial Military Academy. He served the former Galactic Empire. Despite being a non-human who could have been considered of lower status, he attained the position of Imperial ambassador representing Carida. Like many Caridans and the Empire itself, Ambassador Furgan ignored his potential second-class status and demonstrated unwavering loyalty to Emperor Palpatine and his New Order.


Following the fall of Byss and the demise of the last clone of Palpatine, Furgan decided to launch a devastating attack on the New Republic's leadership. He also aimed to transfer control of the remaining Empire to a new, Force-sensitive Emperor.

Attempt to destabilize the New Republic

To achieve his initial goal, Furgan arranged for the creation of a collection of nano-destroyers. These tiny machines were then specifically programmed to target the genetic makeup of Mon Mothma, the Chief of State of the New Republic. Disguised as a pilgrim visiting Imperial City on Coruscant, Furgan intentionally splashed a drink containing the nano-destroyers onto Mothma's face. The nano-destroyers were absorbed into her skin almost immediately. However, Mothma remained unaware of the danger she was in for several weeks.

Before his trip to Coruscant, Furgan had coerced a Mon Calamari prisoner, Terpfen, into undergoing brain surgery. During the surgery, certain areas of Terpfen's brain were removed and replaced with synthetic computer components. These implants allowed Furgan to control Terpfen's actions remotely. The only visible sign of the surgery were scars on Terpfen's head, as the implants themselves were undetectable. Terpfen was eventually freed and managed to secure a position as the chief engineer for Admiral Gial Ackbar.

Several weeks after Furgan poisoned Mon Mothma, Admiral Ackbar offered to fly Minister of State Leia Organa Solo to Vortex in his personal B-wing. She was to attend the Vors' celebration marking the start of the storm season at the Cathedral of Winds. Terpfen sabotaged Ackbar's B-wing, rigging it to crash into the Cathedral upon entering Vortex's atmosphere. While Ackbar and Organa Solo survived the crash, the destruction of the Cathedral of Winds and the resulting casualties among the Vors forced Ackbar to resign his commission due to the immense embarrassment.

Mission to Anoth

As the New Republic became divided and struggled without the guidance of Ackbar and Mothma, Furgan initiated the next stage of his scheme. The only Force-sensitive individuals he knew of were Luke Skywalker, his students, Leia Organa Solo, and her offspring. Realizing the difficulty of influencing Skywalker, his students, or Organa Solo due to their maturity, he decided to focus on abducting Organa Solo's children. His primary target was Anakin Solo, who was still a young infant.

The MT-AT, developed specifically for Anoth's mountains

Unlike his siblings, who resided on Coruscant, Anakin was living on the planet Anoth, under the protection of Winter, a childhood friend and aide to Organa Solo. Although he didn't know Anoth's precise location, Furgan anticipated the terrain his forces would face once the planet was discovered and an abduction mission was launched. Therefore, he commissioned the development and manufacturing of the MT-AT on Carida, specifically designed for Anoth's mountainous landscape.

When Ackbar departed Coruscant for Mon Calamari, he made a detour to the hidden planet. Unbeknownst to him, Terpfen had concealed a tracking device on Ackbar's ship. Upon receiving Anoth's coordinates, Terpfen transmitted them to Ambassador Furgan. Furgan promptly loaded Carida's only capital ship, the Dreadnaught Vendetta, with MT-ATs and stormtroopers who had graduated from the Imperial Military Academy. His departure aboard the Vendetta was hastened when Kyp Durron, controlling the Sun Crusher superweapon and influenced by the spirit of the ancient Sith Lord Exar Kun, launched a resonance torpedo at Carida's sun. The Vendetta jumped into hyperspace towards Anoth just before Carida's sun exploded.

Upon the Vendetta's arrival in Anoth's orbit, Furgan decided to personally oversee the kidnapping of Anakin Solo. He descended from orbit within one of the MT-ATs, accompanied by a reluctant sergeant of the stormtroopers who silently endured Furgan's panicked cries.

FIDO, a defense mechanism, slows Furgan's MT-AT assault on Anoth

Once on the surface, the eight MT-ATs emerged from their landing pods and began searching for vulnerabilities in the stronghold's walls using their blaster cannons. They eventually located a pair of heavy blast doors and started advancing towards them. As they tested the doors' strength, one of the fortress's defense systems—the Foreign Intruder Defense Organism (FIDO)—destroyed four of the MT-ATs before being destroyed by the remaining walkers.

With the threat eliminated, the MT-ATs resumed their attack on the blast doors. A crack eventually formed, and one of the MT-ATs used its front claws to tear open the remaining sections of the doors. They entered the inner chamber. After several minutes and the loss of several stormtroopers, Furgan finally located Anakin Solo under the care of a TDL nanny droid, which protested Furgan's plan to abduct Anakin.

Furgan dismissed the droid and ordered the stormtrooper accompanying him to retrieve the baby. The nanny droid promptly eliminated the stormtrooper using its four hidden blasters. Despite his status as an ambassador, Furgan possessed quick reflexes and managed to destroy the nanny droid before it could kill him. He then encountered the recently reinstated Ackbar, Organa Solo, and Terpfen. He held Anakin up as a shield, threatening to break the baby's neck.

Furgan vs Terpfen

He then bumped into a power droid. Terpfen, now free from Furgan's mental control, seized Anakin and returned him to Organa Solo. Furgan used this opportunity to escape, fleeing towards the entrance where the MT-ATs were waiting. Terpfen pursued him, seeking revenge.

Furgan climbed into one of the MT-ATs, and Terpfen commandeered another. A chase and gunfight ensued between the two MT-ATs, eventually escalating into a physical battle between the walkers. The conflict ended when Furgan's walker plunged over a cliff, resulting in his death.

Behind the scenes

Kevin J. Anderson conceived the character of Ambassador Furgan.

