The political position known as the Minister of State held responsibility for domestic matters within the New Republic government. Functioning as a member of the New Republic Senate, the person holding this title was the head of the Ministry of State, where they formulated and executed policy decisions as part of the Ministry Council.
In situations where the Chief of State was unable to perform their official duties, the Minister of State was considered a possible successor. This office was also present within the structure of the Galactic Alliance.
Leia Organa Solo was the first to hold the position of Minister of State, serving under Mon Mothma. During Organa's subsequent time as Chief of State, Carlist Rieekan, Q-Varx, and Mokka Falanthas all held the position of Minister of State. It seems that Borsk Fey'lya did not appoint anyone to this position during his time in office, but Releqy A'Kla served as Minister of State under Cal Omas during the time of the Yuuzhan Vong War.
- Leia Organa Solo ( 9 ABY – 11 ABY ) under Chief of State Mon Mothma
- Carlist Rieekan ( 11 ABY – 13 ABY ) under Chief of State Leia Organa Solo
- Mokka Falanthas ( 13 ABY – 16 ABY ) under Chief of State Leia Organa Solo
- Releqy A'Kla ( 28 ABY - ) under Chief of State Cal Omas