Swift Assault 5

The Swift Assault 5, a hovercraft type vehicle, was produced by the Mekuun Corporation.


The Mekuun Corporation's Swift Assault 5, measuring 15.9 meters in length, was a hovercraft design. An air cushion was generated through the use of four Kasmin three-stage turbopumps. These Kasmin turbopumps, the most advanced heavy-duty air blowers available, enabled the Swift Assault 5 to achieve additional elevation and float as needed. A Gurian S87 "perpetual charge" power plant dynamo supplied power to the hoverscout; a power capacitor initiated the rotation of the air blower, and the energy produced by the vehicle's air cushion was recycled using back-blast impellers to augment the S87's power generation. This efficient engine design resulted in a greater operational range for the Swift Assault 5 compared to similar-sized vehicles of its class.

Although capable of reaching speeds of up to two hundred kilometers per hour, the Swift Assault 5's velocity and agility were not comparable to those of standard repulsorlift vehicles. This was despite modifications made to the standard hover vehicle specifications to meet the military's requirements for navigating challenging terrain. The hoverscout was favored on planets where the terrain and planetary conditions caused inconsistent operation in repulsorlift engines.

While a single crewmember could pilot the Swift Assault 5, a crew of four was optimal for utilizing all of the craft's weapon systems effectively. The training required to operate a hoverscout was less extensive than that needed for a repulsorlift vehicle. The vehicle could also accommodate up to six passengers. Standard sensor packages included weapon-linked electro photo receptors at each crew station, along with long-range communications equipment. Additional sensor and communications packages could be installed to suit specific mission requirements. The vehicle could carry between fifty and four hundred kilograms of cargo, within a volume of five hundred cubic centimeters. It also had the capacity to store consumables for two days.

The Swift Assault 5 exhibited an excellent maintenance record and a low failure rate, surpassing other floater scouts of comparable type on the market, while also being more affordable and easier to maintain. New units could be purchased for 75,000 credits, while used models ranged from 45,000 to 55,000 credits.

Despite its light armor, designed to maintain maneuverability, the Swift Assault 5 was capable of withstanding a direct hit. The vehicle's doors and weapon ports were sealed, creating a fully enclosed and recyclable interior atmosphere. The pilot enjoyed a wide field of vision through a windscreen constructed from ceraglass, a transparent ceramic alloy as strong as armor. The hoverscout was heavily armed, featuring three primary weapons. These included a turret-mounted Mk 3/S heavy blaster cannon, along with a light Mk 1/S laser cannon and a Mk 2e/S concussion missile launcher capable of firing forward and to the sides. Some variants were equipped with a double blaster cannon and a double laser cannon, and carried a payload of either six Mk 1/S concussion missiles or sixteen concussion missiles.


Used across numerous worlds, the Swift Assault 5 was deployed by various ground forces in diverse combat scenarios, proving its effectiveness as a combat vehicle. The Imperial Army commonly used the hoverscout for reconnaissance or offensive operations, often deploying it alongside other hoverscouts for raiding or as part of the rearguard. The hoverscout could operate independently or with support from infantry or armor units.

Not long after the conclusion of the Clone Wars, the Galactic Empire deployed Swift Assault 5s to patrol Prak City on the planet Prakith. Three of these hoverscouts attempted to intercept Mistryl Shadow Guards Shada D'ukal and Karoly D'ulin as they attempted to steal the Imperial prototype weapon known as "Hammertong" in 0 BBY. Eight months following the Battle of Yavin, Grand Admiral Thrawn advised Galactic Emperor Palpatine to utilize hoverscouts in conjunction with All Terrain Armored Transports and juggernauts to protect the Endor shield generator bunker, before realizing that the Emperor intended Endor to be a trap for the Alliance to Restore the Republic.

In 5 ABY, Imperial forces used hoverscouts for patrols in the rural areas surrounding Barons Hed. In 7 ABY, a hoverscout provided support for an assault force of stormtroopers during a raid on an Alliance operation at the Palar plant on Coruscant, the capital. The Alliance operation involved swapping out computer cores, with members of Rogue Squadron, supported by elements from Black Sun and the Alien Combine, attempting to insert a doctored core into the computer controlling Coruscant's planetary shield. Zekka Thyne betrayed the operation.

During Grand Admiral Thrawn's campaign against the New Republic in 9 ABY, one of his high-ranking Army commanders, General Freja Covell, deployed hoverscouts alongside All Terrain Armored Transports during Thrawn's assault on Talon Karrde's Myrkr Base.

