Myrkr Base was a facility established by Talon Karrde for the Smugglers' Alliance. It was situated within the Great Northern Forest on the planet of Myrkr.
The Smugglers' Alliance primarily operated from Myrkr Base in 9 ABY.

During the initial stages of Grand Admiral Thrawn's military campaign, the Galactic Empire dispatched forces to Myrkr. Their objective was to acquire ysalamiri. Initially, the smugglers maintained a position of neutrality towards the Imperial presence. However, they were ultimately compelled to engage in combat following the capture of Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade within the Great Northern Forest.
As a result, Karrde's smugglers were compelled to abandon the base and evacuate Myrkr, relocating to Rishi. The base was completely vacated. Following the Battle of Sluis Van, Thrawn returned to Myrkr. He deployed AT-STs and AT-ATs to invade the planet and take control of the base. Nevertheless, as he anticipated, Karrde had ensured that no trace of their presence remained.