Freja Covell

A male human named Freja Covell, originating from the planet Corulag, held the rank of general within the Imperial Army of the Galactic Empire. During the Galactic Civil War, Covell participated in the Battle of Hoth under the leadership of Maximilian Veers, an engagement that nearly annihilated the Rebel Alliance.

Following the final downfall of the Empire, Covell became a loyalists to Grand Admiral Thrawn during Thrawn's camaign against the New Republic, serving as a Major General in Thrawn's army. Covell spearheaded the seizure of the abandoned headquarters belonging to Talon Karrde's criminal syndicate on Myrkr. His life was cut short by the insane clone Joruus C'baoth shortly before the Battle of Bilbringi in 9 ABY.


Covell, fresh out of the Imperial Academy, began his career as a junior officer in an Army regiment commanded by Colonel Maximilian Veers. Under Veers' guidance, Covell mastered ground force command and developed a deep appreciation for AT-AT divisions, sharing Veers' understanding of their power and the fear they instilled in enemies. The feeling of being in an walker's cockpit was unparalleled for Covell. Veers recognized a reflection of himself in Covell, leading to Covell's inclusion in Darth Vader's ground forces in 3 ABY when Veers was promoted to general. Covell's exceptional performance earned him the rank of colonel, commanding one of Veers' battlegroups.


Lieutenant Colonel Freja Covell successfully secured support from the Assassin's Guild to engage three Rebel SpecForces units on Archais. The battle of Archais put both the Shroud and Eclipse Teams in a precarious position. Simultaneously, Rebel officer Mosara Thiirn defected, surrendering her ship and herself to Covell, further worsening the situation for the Rebel forces. Unfortunately for the Empire, Thiirn possessed no information of value to them.

During the Battle of Hoth, where Veers' assault force decisively defeated the Rebel Alliance forces defending Echo Base, High Colonel Covell acted as Veers' "first officer" and personally commanded an AT-AT within Blizzard Force. Rebel tactics resulted in the destruction of his walker and his subsequent injury, but he demonstrated commendable performance and leadership. Despite his injuries, he reached safety and assumed command of a stormtrooper unit, successfully routing a larger contingent of Rebel troops before they could establish defensive positions.

Subsequently, Captain Gilad Pellaeon elevated Covell to the rank of Major General and appointed him commander of the ground forces aboard the Chimaera. Later, Grand Admiral Thrawn promoted Covell, now a general, to a senior leadership role within the Army. Throughout Thrawn's campaign, General Covell led numerous ground assaults, often at the forefront, and was eventually tasked with defending Wayland. On Wayland, Joruus C'baoth used the Force to seize control of Covell's mind, replacing portions of it with his own. However, a group of ysalamiri generated Force interference, severing the connection. Covell's mind was severely compromised, and although he survived briefly within the ysalamiri's bubble, long enough to transmit "special orders" from C'baoth, he perished before the following morning.

Personality and traits

Freja Covell.

Covell was a highly skilled ground tactician. Like Veers, Covell excelled in commanding AT-AT and AT-ST units in battle during the post-Endor campaigns, ensuring their continued use by Imperial ground forces for years to come. Many of Covell's innovative ground battle tactics were later adopted by Imperial Army commanders.

Covell held a disdain for Imperial Navy officers, viewing them as reluctant to engage in actual combat outside their ships.

