In the year 9 ABY, Grand Admiral Mitth'raw'nuruodo of the Chiss, utilized an army under his command during the Thrawn Campaign to wrestle control of the galaxy away from the New Republic. To bolster the ranks of the Imperial Army of old, Thrawn utilized cloning cylinders discovered within Mount Tantiss on the planet of Wayland, enabling him to resupply his stormtrooper legions. Thrawn also enlisted experienced officers like General Freja Covell, General Maximilian Veers, and High Colonel Zel Johans to lead his newly formed ground forces.
This army was designed to operate jointly with the fleet, with ground troops frequently deployed to secure planetary objectives. The army commonly used Imperial walkers and stormtroopers as symbols of their military might. However, following Thrawn's death at Bilibringi, the army gradually disintegrated, with remaining elements either holding out independently or aligning themselves with various Imperial warlords.