Great InQuestor of Judgment

The Great InQuestors of Judgment represented a clandestine branch within Judgment of the Pentastar Alignment. This group originated as a splinter faction of the Imperial Inquisitorius after the Galactic Empire's loss at the Battle of Endor. The Zenithal InQuestor of Judgement is a confirmed position within the hierarchy of the Great InQuestors of Judgement.


In the aftermath of the Battle of Endor, specifically 4 ABY, Dark Jedi Jerec, High Inquisitor Halmere, along with other Inquisitors, aligned themselves with Ardus Kaine's Imperial forces, thereby forming the Great InQuestors of the Pentastar Alignment. Following Jerec's demise, Halmere assumed the role of Zenithal InQuestor of Judgement. It remains uncertain if Jerec held this specific title before his death.


  • " The Pentastar Alignment " — Star Wars Adventure Journal 3 (also reprinted in Classic Adventures: Volume Four — The Best of the Journal) (First appearance)
  • The Best of the Star Wars Adventure Journal, Issues 1-4 (Picture only)
  • "The Dark Forces Saga, Part 6" (original article link) on (content now obsolete; backup link)
  • The Imperial Warlords: Despoilers of an Empire, Part 1 on (article) (content now obsolete; backup link)
