Velcar Free Commerce Zone

The Velcar Free Commerce Zone (FCZ) constituted an economic area within the Velcar sector, situated in the Outer Rim Territories. It was managed by Commerce Master Commissioners who represented various commercial interests. Numerous less advanced species populated the planets within the zone and were, for all intents and purposes, enslaved as bound laborers. During the reign of the Galactic Empire, the FCZ was part of Oversector Outer and fell under the control of first Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin, and subsequently his successor, Ardus Kaine.

In the year 4 ABY, Kaine engaged in a series of talks with leaders from the Commerce Zone, alongside key figures from neighboring political, military, and business spheres. Following these discussions, a treaty was formalized, establishing the Pentastar Alignment. The Velcar Free Commerce Zone was then integrated into this newly formed governing body. The Alignment ultimately dissolved and was then incorporated by the Imperial Remnant.

Zone Territories

  • Velcar sector Bextar system Bextar[1] Cantras Gola[1] Capza[1] Criton's Point Endex[1] Entralla system Entralla[1]


