Mission to Destrillion

During the year 3 ABY, Wedge Antilles received orders for a mission to the planet Destrillion. His assignment was to precisely identify crucial targets within an Imperial Tibanna Gas complex, so a Y-wing squadron could bomb it. Antilles navigated through tunnels leading toward the location, where he encountered a new Imperial starfighter squadron. After eliminating these fighters, he discovered there was no complex at all.


Alliance Intelligence obtained intel concerning an Imperial tibanna gas facility in the Destrillion system, where they believed scientific weapons research was being conducted. General Crix Madine was put in charge of a task force, including elite pilots from Rogue Squadron, with the objective of destroying this facility.

The battle

Piloting an A-wing, Commander Wedge Antilles of Rogue Squadron led a BTL Y-wing starfighters squadron towards the supposed facility. General Crix Madine communicated the mission's objectives to him. Antilles noticed a series of corridors within the energy fields protecting the location and volunteered to fly through them. Inside the tunnel, Antilles found approximately two squadrons of TIE Hunters flying around a Tibanna gas platform. Antilles reported the squadron's presence to Madine, noting that he hadn't encountered them previously. Madine then surmised that they were likely the Empire's new Hunter line of TIE fighters. These Hunters were a new TIE Series specifically designed to match the capabilities of the Rebel Alliance's X-wings. Madine contacted Antilles, cautioning him about the threat the new TIEs posed. Force fields then activated, sealing off the corridors. Antilles engaged the Imperial fighters and successfully destroyed them using his A-wing's missiles. Once the TIEs were eliminated, the force fields deactivated. Antilles then contacted Madine, who instructed him to proceed into the second tunnel to locate the facility.

Upon reaching the end of the tunnels, Antilles discovered that there was no facility. Instead, he found a convoy of transports preparing to jump to hyperspace. Antilles relayed this information to Madine, who then ordered him to return to the fleet. The battle was actually a ruse to lure a Rebel convoy near Dubrillion and destroy it using Dubrillion's superlaser.

Rebel Strike concept art of a floating, airborne installation.

Behind the scenes

This event was featured as a mission in the 2003 video game Star Wars: Rogue Squadron III: Rebel Strike. The Developer's Commentary revealed that an extended mission was planned but cut due to time constraints. This extended mission would have involved infiltrating the facility using a walker and calling in Y-wings to target vulnerable areas. Originally, the player's objective was to destroy a floating installation. While the A-wing is the default vehicle for the mission, it is possible to use other crafts in subsequent playthroughs.

The "Deception at Destrillion" mission included a tech upgrade. However, it was located within the Dubrillion portion of the mission, not within the Destrillion level itself.

