Golden Globe

Anakin Solo, Tahiri Veila, R2-D2, and Ikrit are pictured in front of the Golden Globe.

The entity known as the Golden Globe was an enormous, spherical construct fashioned by the Sith Lord Exar Kun. This occurred during his period of dominion over the Massassi people on the moon of Yavin 4, specifically in the year 3997 BBY.


This Golden Globe had the appearance of a sizable, radiant sphere composed of golden crystal. Like numerous other artifacts touched by the dark side, it emanated a shadowy presence within the Force. Although its external dimensions were just four meters, its internal space was limitless, allowing it to contain a vast number of prisoners. The Golden Globe's interior was a sandy, dusty dimension.

A potent energy shield guarded the Golden Globe, repelling anyone attempting physical contact. The sole method to penetrate this barrier involved weakening it through the Force. Additionally, apparitions of Exar Kun's followers haunted the Globe, attempting to deter anyone from approaching it and liberating the captives.

Sith magic bound the Golden Globe, and only Force-sensitive children had the ability to destroy it. Should an adult attempt this, both the Golden Globe and its prisoners would disintegrate into dust. Once inside, the only way to escape the Golden Globe was to use the Force to weaken the shield from within, allowing the captives to escape and shattering the Globe into sand.


The Sith Lord Exar Kun conceived the Golden Globe as a means to ensnare the souls of the Massassi children and extract their energies to bolster his own wicked abilities. Sith magic, only breakable by Force-sensitive children, secured the trapped souls within the Golden Globe. The Palace of the Woolamander housed the Golden Globe within a sealed chamber.

Many years later, centuries prior to the decline of the Galactic Republic, the Kushiban Jedi Master Ikrit stumbled upon the Golden Globe during an expedition to Yavin 4. Recognizing his inability to release the captive souls, Ikrit entered a Jedi trance to await the arrival of someone destined to break the curse, regardless of the time it might take. In 22 ABY, Jedi apprentices Anakin Solo and Tahiri Veila discovered the Golden Globe and Ikrit. Ikrit then revealed his identity to the two young Jedi trainees and also informed them of the origins of the Golden Globe. He expressed his belief that they could succeed where he had previously failed.

Subsequently, Anakin and Tahiri journeyed to the nearby Yavin 8, where they uncovered carvings within the moon's caves. These carvings revealed that Exar Kun had imprisoned Massassi children within the Golden Globe and detailed the method to undo the curse.

After an adventure on the desert planet of Tatooine, the pair made their way back to the Palace of the Woolamander. Having overcome the energy field, they battled through a swirling vortex of sand and dust within the realm before employing their powers to shatter the internal energy field. This act freed the trapped souls and obliterated the Golden Globe permanently. Upon exiting the Palace of the Woolamander, they were greeted by a pleased Master Luke Skywalker and Ikrit.

