Raabakyysh, often referred to as Raaba, was a Wookiee who shared a close bond with Lowbacca and his sister, Sirrakuk. It's speculated that Lowbacca considered her as a potential life partner.
Lowbacca's sister, Jedi Knight Sirrakuk's closest companion was Raabakyysh. Raaba was well-known for her rebellious nature and distinctive style, frequently expressing herself by shaving her fur into unique designs—a characteristic she passed down to Sirrakuk. As time passed, it became evident that Lowbacca and the younger Raaba were drawn to each other. However, Raaba frequently displayed a lack of respect for Wookiee customs and frequently fantasized about leaving the planet to pursue her own path.
As she matured, Raaba held Lowbacca in high regard due to his bravery. Consequently, she attempted to emulate his Hrrtayyk ceremony by venturing alone into the depths of Kashyyyk to gather fibers from the perilous syren plant. Unlike Lowbacca, Raaba never made it back from her expedition. Her friends and family discovered her bloodied pack and presumed she had perished, which caused Lowbacca and his sister great anguish. Lowie and his companions journeyed to Kashyyyk to be with Sirra during her time of mourning.
Without her friends knowing, Raaba had miraculously lived through her perilous ordeal. After being assaulted and wounded by a jungle predator, Raaba managed to return to the city and secretly boarded a departing freighter. The freighter's captain introduced her to the newly established Diversity Alliance, which she eventually joined. Raaba rose to a position of influence within the organization while serving under the direct command of Twi'lek Nolaa Tarkona. Two years later, she would cross paths with Lowbacca once more while he and his companions were searching for Bornan Thul on the planet Kuar.
Raaba decided to reveal her survival to her loved ones and returned to Kashyyyk with Lowbacca to complete her Rite of Passage. She then extended an invitation to both Lowbacca and Sirra to accompany her to Ryloth, where she hoped to enlist them into the Diversity Alliance. When the Solo twins and their friends arrived to check on Lowie, Raaba assisted Nolaa Tarkona in keeping them away from Lowie and Sirra. Despite her distrust of the humans, she was genuinely afraid of losing her friends once more, this time to the Solo's worries about the Diversity Alliance.
Later on, Raaba took part in the Diversity Alliance's assault on the secret storage facility of the deceased Emperor Palpatine. Nolaa Tarkona's main objective was the storage facility, where the Emperor had kept his biological weapons, because she wanted to utilize one of the plagues to commit genocide against the human race. Raaba, who was in charge of the Alliance fleet in space while Nolaa explored the facility, spotted a ship circling the asteroid and was saddened to recognize it as the Rock Dragon, Tenel Ka's own ship. Raaba was aware that Lowie and his companions were also present at the facility, and she was torn between her obligation to Nolaa Tarkona and her concern for Lowbacca. Raaba personally went down to the facility to save Nolaa Tarkona when a New Republic fleet showed up to destroy the asteroid. The two eventually fled the battle in Raaba's personal ship, Rising Star, though Nolaa—and perhaps Raaba as well—had been exposed to a number of biological weapons on the asteroid. Raaba sent Lowbacca a brief coded message before leaving the system: "If I survive, I'll find you."
Raaba, unwilling to run the risk of spreading any diseases they may have been exposed to, transported herself and Nolaa to an uninhabited moon far into the Outer Rim Territories. Although both people had been exposed to the plagues, Raaba recovered about the same time that Nolaa lost her battle with her sickness. Raaba made a promise to go back to the galaxy, but not until she was certain she wouldn't spread the plague to anyone else.