Mander Zuma

Mander Zuma, a male Human who existed as a member of the New Jedi Order, held the rank of Master and worked as a Jedi archivist. Toro Irana was his apprentice, and this apprentice later met their death while looking into illegal activities within the Hutt underworld.


During the time of the New Republic, Zuma, a male Human, possessed a strong connection to the Force. He underwent training at the Jedi Praxeum located on Yavin 4 and achieved the ranks of Jedi Knight and Archivist. He took on Toro Irana as his apprentice, who often felt annoyed by Zuma's lack of ambition and heroic drive. Following Irana's death under mysterious circumstances on Makem Te, Zuma embarked on an investigation to uncover the truth behind it.

Zuma's investigation led him to Reen Irana, the sister of his deceased Padawan, who was also investigating the circumstances of the death. They quickly discovered Irana's involvement with a dangerous substance known as Scourge.

Powers and abilities

Zuma enters the chambers of Popara Anjiliac Diresto.

Mander Zuma felt more comfortable within the Jedi Archives than on the battlefield. Because of this, his combat abilities had become somewhat diminished, which was made worse by his own doubts about his capabilities as a Jedi. Mander had the capacity to utilize telekinesis, Force speed, and mind tricks. However, he was also vulnerable to the effects of mind tricks, like when he followed his apprentice's suggestion to lower his blade. In contrast to this weakness, he possessed a strong understanding of mind tricks and methods to defend against them, such as Empty Meditation. He lacked proficiency in blaster bolt deflection and lightsaber dueling, which was demonstrated when he was quickly disarmed by the relatively inexperienced Mika the Hutt. Upon meeting him, many people were surprised by his demeanor, which amplified his feelings of inadequacy. Despite these shortcomings, Mander was recognized as having a strong connection to the Force. After his victory over Mika, he overcame his mental blocks and perceived his former apprentice's blue lightsaber in his hand as a natural extension of himself.

