Yalara, a planet of a primitive nature, existed within the Yalara system located in the region of Wild Space.

Originally, Yalara was the home of a primitive species known as the Yalarans, who were not prepared for integration into galactic society. To safeguard them, Jedi Master Broden Kel Verdox implemented a cloaking device, effectively concealing the entire planet from the rest of the galaxy.
Subsequently, Noghri were dispatched to the planet, where they annihilated the Yalarans who were defending the cloaking device.
In the year 14 ABY, the Imperial Remnant, under the direction of the Disciples of Ragnos, made an attempt to seize control of the cloaking device. However, Jedi Scholar Tionne Solusar quickly rediscovered the planet using her holocron. To foil the Imperial plans, Jedi Knight Jaden Korr was dispatched to destroy the mechanism. Following a brief engagement with Imperial Remnants, Jaden Korr successfully scaled the tower, carrying bombs intended to destroy the device. After battling numerous New Reborns and Noghri at the summit, Jaden Korr successfully positioned four bombs around the device, resulting in its complete destruction.
Upon returning to the Jedi Academy, Skywalker came to suspect that Darth Vader, who frequently employed Noghri as slaves and bodyguards, had instructed the Noghri to eliminate the Yalarans and protect the cloaking device. The remaining Noghri present on Yalara were subsequently returned to Honoghr.