The Search for Peace, the second installment of the Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi – Redemption comic book series, is entitled Tales of the Jedi: Redemption 2. Dark Horse Comics released it to the public on August 26, 1998.
Hoggon makes his way to Exis Station and finds a spot in an airshaft to observe the assembly, as Sylvar has been given the opportunity to speak. She speaks about Ulic Qel-Droma, mentioning his betrayal of the Jedi and his current freedom. She alludes to Ulic's collaboration with Exar Kun, as well as the deaths of Jedi, Crado included. She declares that Ulic is the Jedi Knights' greatest source of shame.
Ulic ignites his lightsaber on Rhen Var, but he is unable to sense anything in the force. In his grasp, it is merely a tool. Suddenly, the ground beneath him collapses, causing him to fall into a hole.
Vima, back on Exis, is gazing at two holograms of her mother; one depicts Vima's father, Andur, while the other depicts Ulic. Vima inquires about training, but Nomi replies, "not today." Vima then heads to the docking bay and sneaks aboard a ship, determined to find her own instructor. Tott is also present in the docking bay. He asks Sylvar to accompany him to Ryloth in order to confront her inner rage.
Upon their arrival in the new city of Tott's clan, the two Jedi learn of an assault on the clan by a rival clan. Tott departs to address the situation, requesting Sylvar's assistance in his absence. Sylvar chooses to try and unite the clan, urging them to retaliate and seek vengeance. Tott comes back and says that violence does not bring peace, and that a solution has been found: the two clan leaders will venture into the desert together, and a new head-clan will unite the tribes. Sylvar, unaccustomed to the cultural differences, requests a return trip to Cathar.
Ulic reflects on his past actions on Rhen Var; betraying Nomi and murdering Cay. He believes this is as good a place as any to die, but an apparition of his late teacher, Master Arca Jeth, encourages him to live. Ulic gathers his strength and climbs back up through the snow.
Nomi discovers that her Ulic hologram is missing on Exis Station, and Master Thon informs her that Vima is also gone.
Hoggon finds Vima hiding on his ship. Vima tells him she is searching for Ulic Qel-Droma and shows Hoggon the hologram. Hoggon transports her to Rhen Var, drops her off, and gives her a transmitter to contact him. Vima declares after Hoggon leaves that she will not leave until she is a Jedi.