Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Volume 6: Vindication represents the sixth trade paperback compilation in the comic book series, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic.
Within this story, which is equivalent in length to a novel, Padawan Zayne Carrick, who is on the run, finally sees the resolution of his efforts to exonerate himself! Zayne, along with his companion Gryph, a con artist, dedicate themselves to a fresh objective: revealing the clandestine misdeeds of the Jedi Covenant. However, this pursuit leads them not only to the originating planet of one of Zayne's murderous Masters, but also into the most secure location on that world – a repository filled with Sith relics! But his time spent as a fugitive will not cease there! Zayne's quest for justice will extend to Coruscant, where he will face his Master, Lucien Draay, alongside the Jedi Covenant members, in a decisive confrontation that will, in one way or another, bring an end to his life as a fugitive.