Star Wars: Vector Volume 1

Star Wars: Vector Volume 1, a compilation of the Star Wars: Vector crossover event, comprises the trade paperbacks Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Volume 5 and Star Wars: Dark Times Volume 3. These represent the fifth and third collections of the comic book series _Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic_ and Star Wars: Dark Times, respectively. It's important to note that neither KotOR Volume 5 nor Dark Times Volume 3 were ever available individually. Vector, Volume 1 includes the initial six installments of the Vector crossover: specifically, issues #25-28 from Knights of the Old Republic and issues #11-12 from Dark Times. Dark Horse Comics released this collection on February 4, 2009.

Publisher's summary

"Vector" is a significant event that has far-reaching effects on every era and hero within the Star Wars galaxy, and it all begins right here! Chapter One, found in Knights of the Old Republic Volume Five, reveals that a disturbing vision of the future has alerted the secretive Jedi Covenant to the importance of Taris. Consequently, they activate their operative, Celeste Morne. She soon faces a monstrous threat, an ancient Sith artifact, a Mandalorian army, and Zayne Carrick, the Padawan who stands accused of murdering his fellow students!

Moving forward over 4,000 years, Chapter Two of "Vector"—featured in Volume Three of Dark Times—transitions into the period immediately following the events depicted in Revenge of the Sith. The ill-fated and mismatched crew of the Uhumele unexpectedly crosses paths with Darth Vader and the now ancient Jedi Master, Celeste! This encounter will have serious consequences for both the Sith and the smugglers involved...

For those who have struggled to find a starting point with Star Wars comics, "Vector" provides the perfect gateway into the entire Star Wars comic book universe!

Collected issues

  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic: Vector Knights of the Old Republic 25 Knights of the Old Republic 26 Knights of the Old Republic 27 Knights of the Old Republic 28
  • Star Wars: Dark Times: Vector Dark Times 11 Dark Times 12

Notes and references

  • Star Wars: Vector Vol. 1 (a.k.a. Knights of the Old Republic Vol. 5: Vector Part 1 on Faraway Press: The Online Home of John Jackson Miller (backup link)
  • Star Wars: Vector Volume 1 (of 2) on Dark Horse Comics' official website (backup link)
