Lien-Tsai Qel-Droma

Lien-Tsai Qel-Droma, a highly esteemed Jedi Master of Human female descent from Alderaan, devoted her service to the Galactic Republic in the years leading up to the Great Sith War. As the mother of Ulic and Cay Qel-Droma, she felt unable to separate her personal maternal feelings from her responsibilities as a Jedi. Consequently, she made the decision to send her sons to the Arkanian Jedi Master Arca Jeth's academy for training.


Jedi parent

A Human female with a strong connection to the Force, Lien-Tsai Qel-Droma gained entrance into the Jedi Order. During her time as a Knight serving the Galactic Republic, Qel-Droma gave birth to her first son, naming him Ulic. Some years later, she had another son, whom she called Cay. In both of her children, Qel-Droma sensed great potential to wield the Force, just as she did.

Cay and Ulic, the sons of Lien-Tsai Qel-Droma

Qel-Droma's family resided on their homeworld of Alderaan. There, as a powerful and respected Jedi, she was involved in the Order's affairs, while her Force-sensitive sons pursued their own interests, seeking to establish their own identities. Nevertheless, she dedicated time to raising her children, imparting wisdom on all aspects of life and the universe—except for in-depth Force training. While she provided basic instruction in the ways of the mystical energy field that connected all living things, Ulic independently discovered the Force and devoted himself to mastering it. Qel-Droma worried that Ulic's complete dedication to the Jedi path had caused him to miss its fundamental message. However, when she shared her concerns with him, Ulic promptly countered with a recitation of the Jedi Code.


Leading up to the Great Sith War, Qel-Droma, by then a highly regarded Jedi Master, continued to serve the Jedi Order with distinction. However, the time was approaching for her sons to begin formal [Jedi training](/article/jedi_training-legends]. Qel-Droma felt that, combined with the many distractions of Alderaan, she would be unable to separate her maternal instincts from her duty as a fair and responsible teacher. Acknowledging her inability to fully detach herself as a mother while training her teenage sons as Jedi, Qel-Droma arranged for Ulic and Cay to receive instruction at the praxeum of her friend and fellow Master, Arca Jeth. Qel-Droma feared that her older son would overshadow the younger, creating a deep rivalry between them. Her fears were allayed by Cay, who assured his mother that nothing in the galaxy could break his close bond with Ulic. Within a week of her decision, Qel-Droma's sons departed for the world of Arkania to commence their Jedi training.

Personality and traits

Lien-Tsai Qel-Droma was a renowned and respected Jedi Master, so esteemed that many believed her Force-sensitive children could only achieve a fraction of her fame if they also chose the Jedi path. Despite this criticism, Qel-Droma remained a strict yet loving mother who fostered a close relationship with her sons. While she worried about the brothers' emotional connection, Arca Jeth, a friend of hers, saw strength in their solid bond. Ulic and Cay dismissed her concerns about their individual approaches to the Force, certain that her reservations were inaccurate. She constantly reminded Ulic, her eldest, to disregard the constant negativity, as his destiny was greater than their baseless comments. She recognized her first child's stubborn and arrogant nature but chose not to advise him on how such flaws might hinder his progress as a Jedi. However, she affectionately remarked on her youngest son's "mechanical mind" whenever she saw him engaged in his passion for mechanics. Qel-Droma encouraged both sons to strive for success, despite her fear of the rivalry she thought might arise between them.

Behind the scenes

The mother of Ulic and Cay Qel-Droma was first mentioned in the Tales of the Jedi Companion, a sourcebook for Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game by West End Games in August 1996. She did not have her own entry but was mentioned several times in the sections about her sons. She was mentioned again thirteen years later in Wizards of the Coast's Jedi Academy Training Manual, where her first name, Lien-Tsai, was revealed.


  • Tales of the Jedi Companion (First mentioned)
  • Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide
  • Jedi Academy Training Manual (First identified as Lien-Tsai Qel-Droma)

Notes and references
