Nebo was a street philosopher of the Human male persuasion, and a follower of Naddism. He and his father preached the virtues of a Naddist government in Iziz, the capital city of Onderon, during the years leading up to the Great Sith War. Despite their rhetoric being unpopular with the Iziz citizens, who were happy to be rid of the former Naddist monarchy, Nebo and his father, Rask, continued to deliver their sermons.
In 3997 BBY, during one of these sermons, a sizable and irate crowd began to pelt Nebo and Rask with projectiles. However, Exar Kun, a lone Jedi Knight, intervened and saved the two Naddists. Despite their bewilderment at a Jedi protecting adherents of the dark side, Kun recruited them to assist him in reaching the tomb of Freedon Nadd, the late Dark Lord of the Sith. Nebo, alongside his father, guided the Jedi to the mausoleum located on the moon Dxun. They observed as Kun used his lightsaber to cut an opening in the tomb's outer wall for entry. Believing Kun to be desecrating the tomb, Nebo and Rask drew blasters on Kun after he emerged. They ultimately died by Kun's lightsaber.
Nebo was a street philosopher from Onderon, specifically the capital city of Iziz, who, along with his father, Rask, preached to the local population. Both were Human males. Nebo and his father belonged to the Naddist cult, a group that revered Freedon Nadd, a fallen Jedi Knight and Dark Lord of the Sith who introduced the teachings of the dark side of the Force to Onderon centuries prior. By 3997 BBY, however, the Naddist monarchy of Onderon had fallen, and the residents of Iziz considered Naddists to be enemies. Despite this, Nebo and Rask did not conceal their devotion to the dark-side cult, even after the Naddist government's collapse. Although the Onderonian people detested the rhetoric of Nebo and Rask, the Jedi chose not to arrest them since they hadn't broken any laws.
In 3997 BBY, Nebo and his father took to the streets to advocate for a government led by Naddists, only to be met with an angry mob that insulted and cursed them. Soon, the crowd began throwing rocks and other objects at Nebo and Rask, forcing them to take cover and defend themselves. However, a lone Jedi Knight named Exar Kun activated his lightsaber and positioned himself between the preachers and the crowd, scolding the crowd for not allowing the Naddists to speak. Nebo and Rask were astonished and questioned Kun as to why he, a Jedi Knight, would defend followers of Freedon Nadd. Kun replied that he required assistance with something and believed Nebo and Rask could provide it.
Kun disclosed his desire to learn more about the dark side of the Force and rigorously questioned Nebo and Rask about their knowledge of the location of the Tomb of Freedon Nadd. After being promised gold, Nebo and Rask agreed to escort Kun to Dxun, the moon where Nadd's tomb was situated. After landing a shuttle on the Onderonian moon, Nebo and Rask guided Kun to the tomb's location. Kun instructed the two to remain behind while he entered, assuring them a substantial reward if the structure they had arrived at was indeed the tomb he sought. Nebo and Rask watched as Kun proceeded to cut a hole in the structure's outer wall with his lightsaber to gain entry. Upon Kun's return, Nebo and Rask each drew a blaster on the Jedi Knight, accusing him of desecrating the tomb and demanding that he surrender the Sith scrolls he had collected within. Enraged, Kun drew his lightsaber and killed the Naddist father-and-son pair.
Nebo was a firm believer in the teachings of Naddism, so much so that he persisted in preaching the virtues of a Naddist regime in Iziz's streets, despite the fact that their rhetoric had provoked the ire of the Onderonian populace. Both Nebo and his father held Jedi Knights in disdain, describing them as "hateful" and blaming them for the downfall of the Onderonian monarchy. Consequently, they were greatly surprised when the Jedi Exar Kun rescued them from the angry mob and defended their right to free speech. Nebo possessed a degree of reverence for Freedon Nadd's tomb, to the point where he drew a blaster on Kun after the Jedi Knight, in Nebo's eyes, desecrated the tomb. Both Nebo and his father demonstrated some knowledge of Dxun's terrain, guiding Kun through the moon's treacherous wilderness to Nadd's resting place.
Nebo's first appearance was in Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi - Dark Lords of the Sith, a story arc within the Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi comic book series, penned by Tom Veitch and Kevin J. Anderson and released during late 1994 and early 1995. Nebo appeared in the arc's second issue, where he meets his demise, and was indirectly referenced in the arc's third issue. In his appearance, Nebo was illustrated by Chris Gossett.