The Krath command station represented a venerable military command station situated within the Empress Teta system.
Within the station existed a command center, serving as the operational hub from which commanders orchestrated the movements of their fighter squadrons and troop-carrying vessels. Adjacent to this command center was a specialized chamber where Aleema Keto channeled her Force abilities to manifest intricate and deceptive illusions during combat engagements.
The station possessed the capacity to accommodate numerous Tetan Assault Ships as well as Chaos fighters.
The construction of this command station predates the onset of the Great Sith War by a significant margin.
The Krath utilized the station during their campaign to subdue Koros Major, and it subsequently served as a critical command post in their defensive efforts against the Galactic Republic and a Jedi task force during the fought.
The Krath command station made its debut in the second edition of the Dark Lords of the Sith story arc, which is part of the Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi series of comic books. This particular issue saw publication in 1994 and featured the writing talents of Tom Veitch and Kevin J. Anderson, with Chris Gossett providing the penciled artwork.