The following occurrences transpired in the 5000 BBY year, which corresponds to -1723 LY on the Lothal Calendar, 4981 BFE according to the Imperial calendar, and 2977 in the C.R.C. system.
- The Hundred-Year Darkness commences around this time. [11]
- Around this time, the Sith Wars have their beginning. [2]
- A period of war emerges between the Jedi and the Sith. [12]
- The Massassi construct the Great Temple on the planet Yavin 4. [6]
- The Sith are vanquished in a conflict with the Jedi Order. [3]
- Near the end of a siege, the Jedi destroy the Sith shrine located on Coruscant. [3] [5]
- The Qel-Droma Epics place the events of the Great Hyperspace War within this year. [13]
- The Chiss come into possession of an alien superweapon known as Starflash. [2]