The chief temple for the Ascendant cult was the Tomb of the Spark Eternal. The Ascendant constructed it on the planet of Bar'leth. The Unyielding Heart, a sacred area, was situated inside this temple. Later, the University of Bar'leth was erected atop the temple's remains. Kho Phon Farrus, an archaeologist searching for the Spark Eternal, was determined to find where the tomb lay. Farrus realized the location they needed to go to in order to find the Spark after meeting with fellow archaeologist Chelli Lona Aphra on the planet Midarr, and subsequently journeyed to Bar'leth. Upon arriving at the university, Farrus requested that Sava Iglan'tine Nos guide them to the Unyielding Heart; Farrus was taken aback, however, to discover that the temple existed beneath the university and that the Heart was a sanctum, not a tangible object.