"Hunt on Celsor 3" marks the fourth installment in the second season of Star Wars Resistance. It was originally broadcast on October 27, 2019, via the Disney Channel.
With the Colossus facing a severe food shortage, Kaz and Torra embark on a desperate mission to capture the enormous jakoosk, hoping to provide sustenance for the station's inhabitants.
The episode commences with the populace of the Colossus staging a demonstration and voicing their discontent towards Captain Doza due to the depletion of food supplies on the Colossus. Doza attempts to reassure them, urging them to remain calm and announcing the immediate implementation of food rationing. Aunt Z interjects, emphasizing the complete absence of food. Al echoes this sentiment, lamenting the lack of both food and drink amidst the endless corridors.
Neeku attempts to console Al, encouraging him to remain optimistic and assuring him of their eventual well-being. Aunt Z expresses her disagreement, stating that she longs for the open sky and fresh air. She declares her intention to depart, with Jooks and Namua echoing similar sentiments. Doza implores them to exercise patience, assuring them that he requires additional time to procure food. Aunt Z responds, informing him that time is a luxury they cannot afford. Doza reminds them that they are currently engaged in a war. Aunt Z acknowledges this, but states that she would prefer to take her chances elsewhere. She argues that her continued presence is untenable if she cannot operate her own cantina, and subsequently departs. Torra Doza attempts to dissuade her, but is unsuccessful. Neeku suggests that Aunt Z may be correct and joins the crowd in abandoning the pleading Doza.
The Warbird pirate Krell observes that Captain Doza is facing a "real mess." Kragan Gorr concurs, noting that this situation presents an opportunity for them.
Kaz and Torra proceed to Aunt Z's Tavern, where they find Aunt Z preparing to leave and Al lamenting the absence of beverages. Kaz attempts to persuade her to reconsider, arguing that her departure is unnecessary. She retorts that she has no alternative, as she cannot sustain her business without the ability to feed her patrons. Torra then inquires about potential avenues for assistance. After some hesitation, Aunt Z proposes that they return to Celsor 3 and hunt the native jakoosk, asserting that the creature possesses sufficient meat to sustain the Colossus for a considerable duration.
Kaz expresses his surprise that the creatures are edible, and Torra acknowledges that the task would be challenging and that Doza may not approve. At that moment, Kragan and his crew enter, proclaiming that while the Ace Squadron may find the task difficult, it would pose no challenge to them. Aunt Z declares that if Kragan succeeds in capturing the creature, he and his crew will receive complimentary meals. Kragan then asserts that, unlike Doza, he is not afraid to take risks. This statement infuriates Torra, as Doza is her father. Kragan responds that leaving Castilon was the only "smart thing" that Captain Doza did. Kragan and his gang leave. Torra is about to start a fight with Kragan, but Kaz restrains her and asks where she is going. Torra replies that she intends to speak with her father. G1-7CH then comforts Al, who is still weeping, by patting him on the back.
Meanwhile, Doza is conferring with Jarek Yeager regarding the potential benefits of allowing individuals to depart the station, given the increasingly difficult circumstances resulting from the First Order's pursuit. Yeager counters that, given the First Order's relentless pursuit of the Colossus inhabitants, they cannot permit departures, as any capture would be on Doza's conscience, a burden he would undoubtedly wish to avoid. At that moment, Torra enters Doza's office with Kaz and proposes Aunt Z's plan to hunt a jakoosk.
Yeager expresses surprise that the jakoosk is edible, to which Kaz responds, "I know, right?" Doza dismisses the idea as dangerous and impractical. However, Torra informs him that Kragan and his crew have already struck a deal with Aunt Z to hunt the creature, which she suggests could be a deliberate attempt to undermine Doza's authority. This revelation does not surprise Doza, given Kragan's status as a pirate. Torra proposes that she and Kaz accompany the Warbirds to Celsor 3 to hunt the jakoosk, demonstrating that Doza remains in control of the Colossus. Yeager concurs with Torra, citing the potential for mutiny. Doza instructs them to proceed, but cautions them against taking unnecessary risks.
Later, at Yeager's repair station, Kaz encounters Neeku, who is packing his belongings. Neeku confirms that he is indeed packing. Before Kaz can inquire further, Torra contacts him, informing him that the Warbirds are preparing for the hunt and that it is time to depart. Kaz says he'll be right there and then realizes that if they can feed the Colossus, Neeku will stay. Kaz and the BB-series astromech droid CB-23 board the racer Fireball.
The Fireball and Torra's ship Blue Ace accompany the pirates' sail barge Galleon to Celsor 3 for the hunt. Aboard the sail barge Galleon, Synara San expresses to Kragan that hunting a jakoosk is a mistake and a "fool's errand." Kragan disagrees, dismissing her concerns as nonsense and asserting that, prior to the advent of starships, pirates hunted a wide variety of creatures throughout the galaxy. He suggests that they are simply returning to their roots. Synara shakes her head as the ship enters Celsor 3's atmosphere.
As they descend into the icy and cloudy atmosphere of Celsor 3, Kaz inquires about their plan. Kragan responds that the plan is that Kaz and Torra, whom he refers to as "children," should remain out of his way and allow him and his crew to handle the jakoosk. Kaz acknowledges that this technically constitutes a plan. The Galleon releases several airspeeders from its ventral hangar bay. Snarl expresses his excitement, while Drell begins to question the size of the jakoosk. Snarl responds how should I know and the two drum up their enthusiasm.
As the convoy of ships and airspeeders navigates through numerous ice pinnacles, CB-23 beeps in Binary. Kaz reassures CB-23 that things are about to become exciting. When Kaz asks Torra via comlink how the Warbirds intend to capture the jakoosk, Torra responds that she doubts they have any idea. At Snarl's suggestion, the pirates begin deploying explosives in an attempt to lure the massive beast from its hiding place. As the pirates observe the stormy skies below, a large shape glides beneath them, concealed by the clouds. Suddenly, the jakoosk lunges at them with its jaws, startling Snarl and Drell. Hearing their cries on the intercom, Kaz remarks that he believes they have located it.
Back on the Galleon, Synara observes the jakoosk and asks Kragan if it matches his expectations. Kragan responds in the negative, stating that it is far superior. Kragan orders Synara to prepare all cannons, but a concerned Synara warns him that their ships will be torn to shreds. The jakoosk threatens the convoy of pirate airspeeders. Kragan dismisses her concerns as nonsense and orders the Warbirds to surround the beast and blast it down. Synara complies, but the Galleon's cannons are unable to penetrate the jakoosk's thick hide.
Kaz warns Kragan and Synara that lasers are ineffective against its tough skin and suggests attacking from beneath the massive beast. Kragan rolls his eyes and orders Synara to fire once more. This only irritates the massive monster, which devours Skreek's speeder. Skreek manages to eject from his speeder and land on Gamorrean pirate Gork and his Nikto partner Leoz's speeder. The jakoosk then circles an ice pillar and swipes the portside of the Galleon, inflicting damage to Kragan's ship.
Observing the perilous hunt, Torra states that they cannot remain passive and must assist Kragan and his crew. Kaz wonders what Kragan is doing. As Synara watches in horror, the jakoosk plows through Snarl and Drell's speeder, causing it to crash into the icy surface below. Synara informs a Nikto co-pilot and Kragan that Snarl and Drell are down and that they must retreat. Kragan refuses to retreat, but Synara points out that he will lose his position as captain if he loses his ship. Snarling, Kragan raises the periscope and orders all ships to retreat.
To Torra's disbelief, the Galleon turns around. Kaz points out that the jakoosk is unlikely to allow Kragan to retreat. As the massive winged creature flies towards the Galleon, Synara points out that the creature is gaining on them. Kragan orders her to divert more power to the engines, but Synara points out that they cannot outrun the jakoosk. The surviving pirate speeders board the Galleon. Over the intercom, Kaz assures Synara that he and Torra will handle the creature. Kaz and Torra use their racers' laser cannons to fire at the creature's underbelly and claws, forcing it to retreat to the surface. Synara thanks them and suggests to Kragan that they should have listened to Kaz from the beginning.
Captain Kragan returns to Aunt Z's Tavern empty-handed. When Aunt Z inquires about the jakoosk, Kragan falsely claims that Captain Doza's Aces interfered with his mission. He asserts that everyone will remain hungry and that they can thank their Captain for that. Several patrons, including Bolza Grool and Grevel, express their outrage, with the latter complaining that he was promised a meal. At that moment, Kaz and Torra enter the tavern. Right then, Kaz and Torra stroll into Aunt Z's Tavern. Kaz remarks that the initial attempt was intense and that it was fortunate that he and Torra were present to assist. Kragan grumbles and walks away.
Torra cautions Kaz not to expect Kragan to express gratitude. Aunt Z laments that Kragan's failure means that everyone suffers due to the lack of food and that Doza is to blame for placing them in this predicament. She announces her intention to depart that night and welcomes anyone who wishes to accompany her. Torra and Kaz lower their heads in sadness and defeat.
A saddened Torra and Kaz made their way back to Captain Doza's office with CB-23. Kaz informs Doza that the mission was a complete failure, while Torra adds that Kragan has convinced everyone that the "whole mess" is her father's fault. Doza replies that Kragan is not entirely incorrect, as he bears responsibility for the well-being of everyone on the ship as Captain of the Colossus. Torra informs him that Aunt Z and the others are planning to leave that night and that the only way to ensure their safety is to keep them here. Doza promises to care for anyone who chooses to remain, but concedes that there is little else he can do.
Captain Doza bows his head and gazes out the viewport into space. When Torra asks her father if he is sure that he is okay, Doza replies that he is fine and tells her not to worry because they will get through this problem. Kaz and Torra exchange a concerned glance before departing.
Kaz, Torra, and CB-23 proceed to Torra's quarters. Torra confides in Kaz that she has never seen her father so stressed and that they must take action. At that moment, they are greeted by Torra's pet Voorpak Buggles, who has climbed onto the wall panel light. Torra instructs Buggles to come down, and the Voorpak jumps onto Kaz, who catches him but falls on his back due to the pet's weight. Buggles licks Kaz who says that it is good to see him before sitting beside Torra on her bed.
As Buggles climbs onto Kaz's lap and allows Kaz to stroke his belly, Kaz recalls that the jakoosk's underside is its vulnerable point and the only area they were able to strike effectively. Torra points out that the jakoosk always shields itself before they can obtain a clear shot. Kaz and Torra realize that if they could reach the surface beneath the beast, they could secure a clear shot. Torra points out that they would require a powerful weapon to bring it down. At that moment, Kaz remembers that Tamara Ryvora was developing a high-powered cannon for the Fireball before her departure, but she never had the opportunity to install it.
Kaz recalls that the cannon remains in Yeager's garage. Torra believes that Kaz's idea is excellent. Kaz says that he will need to bring an external power source but that would do the trick. As they leave Torra's quarters, Kaz asserts that the jakoosk is in for a surprise. Buggles attempts to follow them, but CB-23 tries to shoo her back into Torra's room. However, the voorpak manages to leap over the blast door before it closes.
Kaz and Torra depart the Colossus aboard the Fireball and Blue Ace. The Fireball carries Tam's new high-powered cannon, which is located near CB-23's astromech socket. As they fly towards Celsor 3, Kaz expresses his hope that the cannon will function effectively; a sentiment that Torra shares. A shocked Kaz discovers Buggles hiding in a compartment below his cockpit. Buggles jumps onto his lap. When Torra notices that the Fireball is flying erratically, Kaz claims everything is fine while trying to control Buggles. Kaz grumbles that Torra is going to kill him if she found out Buggles had tagged along.
Kaz and Torra land on the frozen surface of Celsor 3 and assess the terrain. Torra inquires about Kaz's activities when she sees him speaking into the cockpit of the Fireball. Kaz claims that nothing is amiss and attempts to close the Fireball's canopy. However, an exuberant Buggles jumps out and trots over to Torra. This angers her but Kaz tells her that Buggles must have stowed aboard his ship while he was not looking. Buggles wanders off into the snowy landscape. Torra spots the voorpak on top of a nearby structure with her macrobinoculars and runs after him.
Meanwhile, Kaz detaches the cannon and its power source from the Fireball but slips on the icy hull. Kaz and CB-23 catch up with Torra, who hits him on the head with her macrobinoculars. Torra runs on top of a nearby hill and calls out for Buggles. Suddenly, the ground where Torra is standing rises to the ground. While Kaz rushes over to save Torra, they both see the jakoosk flying of into the sky. Torra says that she is okay and that she is just blasted. Kaz says that they have to hit its underside and to find Buggles before the jakoosk does.
As Torra calls out for Buggles, she spots Snarl and Drell who are running away from the jakoosk. The two pirates run past Kaz and CB-23 and flee aboard the Blue Ace and Fireball. Kaz protests but is knocked to the ground by the jakoosk' tail as the creature pursues the fleeing pirates. While Torra continues the search for Buggles, Kaz struggles with the pirates' theft of their ships and asks who does that. CB-23 replies in Binary that pirates do, which Kaz grudgingly agrees.
Kaz sets up the cannon, battery, and tripod and waits for the jakoosk. Just then, the jakoosk sweeps in from behind and severs the cannon's power cable with its massive tail. Meanwhile, Torra finds Buggles on top of an ice pinnacle. As the jakoosk returns for a second round, she tells Kaz over her comlink to shoot the creature down. Kaz realizes that he can use CB-23 for battery and is able to shoot the jakoosk in the underbelly before it can devour Buggles, who is on top of the ice pinnacle.
The jakoosk crashes onto the ice pinnacle, knocking Kaz and CB-23 to their knees. Torra reunites with him and the two gaze over the fallen jakoosk. Kaz quips that the jakoosk got "ja-cooked." They find Buggles on top of the fallen beast and the voorpak reunites with Kaz, licking him. Torra lifts Buggles up and cuddles him, telling the voorpak that he also performed well. Kaz contacts Captain Doza by comlink, telling him that they need a pick-up and a whole lot of tow cables.
Back aboard the Colossus, the inhabitants gather in the Colossus marketplace where the jakoosk's flesh is being grilled over open fires. Synara forces Snarl and Drell to apologize to Kaz and Torra for stealing their ships and leaving them stranded on ice moon. At Synara's insistence, Snarl and Drell also apologize for abandoning Torra's "smugglie bugglie" too as Buggles barks at them. Though Synara is apologetic, Kaz says it is fine since they are pirates and that is what they do.
While Kaz cuddles Buggles, Torra takes a plate of jakoosk meat from Aunt Z, who says that she'll stay with the Colossus for now. She tells Torra that they pulled of a miracle. Orka helps himself to a plate of meat. Captain Doza thanks Kazuda, his daughter Torra and Buggles for their efforts in capturing the jakoosk. He tells the inhabitants of the Colossus that as their captain he will never forget his responsibility to care and look out for them though these are dark times. He promises that the light will shine upon them once again. Just then, Captain Doza reveals a holographic projection of Castilon's blue sky with speagulls flying around the stands. Namua marvels that it looks like the real thing.
Torra asks who did this and Kaz spots Neeku tinkering with the projector nearby. Kaz rushes over to Neeku and asks when he had the time to do this since he was packing. Neeku says he was packing but that he was just trading his possessions to get the parts he needed. Kaz hugs Neeku. When Kaz says he is glad Neeku didn't leave, Neeku responds that he would never leave because the Colossus is his home and that everyone aboard is his family. Neeku then runs off to sample the food while Kaz smiles. The episode concludes with a view of the simulated blue sky suspended above the Colossus marketplace.