
The thirteenth episode of _Star Wars Resistance's second season, titled "Breakout," originally aired on Disney Channel on December 29, 2019.

Official description

Kaz and Norath devise a strategy to save their companions, but the bounty hunter Ax Tagrin is determined to capture them once and for all.

Plot summary

First Order entanglements

The episode begins by showcasing Commander Pyre's Upsilon-class command shuttle, accompanied by a pair of Atmospheric Assault Landers and a duo of TIE fighters, as they approach Vargo Spaceport. The Iktotchi bounty hunter, known as Ax Tagrin, has successfully apprehended Jarek Yeager, Synara San, and CB-23, and he escorts his prisoners towards the main hangar. The arrival of the First Order causes several alien and humanoid merchants to become alarmed and scatter.

Resistance spies, namely Kazuda Xiono and Norath Kev, conceal themselves near a wall as the First Order convoy passes by. Utilizing macrobinoculars, Kaz observes that Synara, Yeager, and CB-23 have been taken captive by Tagrin. Kaz comes to the realization that he must now undertake a rescue mission to free his friends from the clutches of the First Order. Kev expresses regret for sending out the distress signal, stating that he hadn't anticipated such a rapid escalation of events. Kaz assures him that he is not to blame and that the bounty hunter intended for him to send the distress call to lure more Resistance members into a trap.

Commander Pyre exits his shuttle, accompanied by First Order Security Bureau Agent Tierny and a contingent of stormtroopers. He deploys troops to secure the area. Tagrin insists that Pyre provide immediate payment. However, Pyre declines, viewing him as merely a collaborator and a pirate, rather than recognizing him as someone who captured three Resistance agents. Tagrin pledges to locate the remaining Resistance operatives and reminds Pyre to honor his commitment. Pyre concurs but cautions Tagrin that he will receive nothing if his own forces apprehend them first.

The First Order assumes custody of CB, Yeager, and Synara. Agent Tierny expresses her delight at reuniting with Yeager, remarking ominously that they didn't have the opportunity to converse during their previous encounter and that she anticipates becoming better acquainted with him. She, along with the stormtroopers, guides their captives onto the shuttle.

Captain Doza's dilemma

As First Order TIE fighters patrol the skies above Vargo Spaceport, Kev cautions Xiono that the First Order will subject his friends to interrogation. Kaz receives a comlink transmission from Captain Imanuel Doza, but the signal is weak due to the Colossus space station's concealment within a red gas giant. Kaz informs Captain Doza that a bounty hunter has captured Yeager, Synara, and CB-23. Doza explains that he has powered down the Colossus and concealed it amidst electrical interference, but he fears that it is only a matter of time before the First Order discovers them. Kaz urges Captain Doza to remain in place for as long as possible, assuring him that he has a plan to rescue everyone. Doza warns him to expedite his efforts, as they may be forced to jump away without them.

Torra Doza pleads with her father not to jump into hyperspace, as Kaz and Yeager would have no way of locating them. Captain Doza promises to remain in their current location for as long as possible but cautions that they will eventually have to jump in order to safeguard the inhabitants of the Colossus.

The First Order occupation

Returning to Vargo Spaceport, Norath startles Kaz and questions him regarding his plan to rescue everyone and facilitate their escape. When pressed by Norath, Kaz asserts that he has a plan, but Kev remains doubtful. Kaz states that he is still formulating a plan and needs time to think. The two take cover as a stormtrooper questions a purple Gabdorin vendor about their whereabouts.

Aboard the Thunderer, Lieutenant Galek informs Commander Pyre that they have yet to locate the Colossus. Pyre instructs her to persist in her search. Meanwhile, at the spaceport, Pyre and a pair of stormtroopers connect CB-23 to a torture device. A stormtrooper confirms that the droid's memory core is intact but heavily protected.

When Pyre inquires whether he can decrypt it, the stormtrooper replies that the droid is obstructing her scanners. CB-23 emits a series of beeps. Pyre orders him to disable it and demands the names of agents, locations of bases, military codes, and any information that can be used to eradicate the Resistance. CB is subjected to electrocution in an attempt to break her down.

Concurrently, Agent Tierny is torturing Synara in an interrogation chair with electricity while Yeager, who is also restrained, watches. She demands the location of the Colossus. Yeager implores her to cease torturing Synara, and Tierny notes his compassion for the pirate. Yeager retorts that, unlike her, he possesses compassion. Tierny counters that Tamara Ryvora would disagree. She persists in questioning Yeager.

Improvising a rescue plan

Within the Vargo spaceport marketplace, Kaz and Norath evade a stormtrooper patrol by concealing themselves amidst the merchandise. Kev reminds Xiono that they cannot remain hidden indefinitely and require a plan. Kaz informs Kev that his plan involves ambushing a pair of stormtroopers, stealing their armor, and infiltrating the hangar to rescue everyone. Norath disagrees, but Kaz pleads with him to trust him.

Kaz inadvertently trips over a basket of fruit, alerting a pair of stormtroopers who discharge stun bolts. The two flee through the streets. Kaz calls out to a purple Gabdorin merchant for assistance. The alien declines to become involved, but Kaz and Norath compel him to conceal them within his ship, muffling his cries. The stormtroopers pass by, and Norath scolds Kaz for his reckless plan. The Gabdorin breaks free, drawing the stormtroopers' attention.

The stormtroopers demand that they open the door and proceed to blast it down. They discover the Gabdorin merchant holding a basket and inform him that they are searching for two Resistance spies. The alien remains silent but blinks repeatedly. Kaz and Norath knock them unconscious, with Kaz stating that they can steal their armor as disguises. The Gabdorin merchant orders them to leave and pelts them with fruit. Kaz and Norath drag the unconscious stormtroopers to a corner.

Meanwhile, Ax activates a glowing green device and observes from a high vantage point. He watches Kaz and Norath walking in their stolen stormtrooper armor. Kaz attempts to reassure Kev that his rescue plan will succeed. Unbeknownst to them, their communications are being intercepted by Tagrin.

Behind enemy lines

As they approach the hangar, Norath complains that he is unable to see clearly through his helmet and that it is too tight. Kaz quips that his head is too large. They manage to blend in with the stormtroopers, one of whom refers to them as rookies. Kaz guides Norath towards the hangar.

Meanwhile, Agent Tierny states that she demands answers and questions Yeager regarding how he contacts General Organa and where the Resistance is hiding as he is subjected to electric torture. Yeager asserts that he cannot provide information that he does not possess, but Tierny believes he is lying and screams at him. She informs him that Tamara willingly and without coercion revealed many interesting details about Yeager's past with the Rebellion. Yeager retorts that she manipulated Tam by feeding her lies and that she will eventually realize the First Order's evil and bring her down without Tierny's knowledge.

Tierny dismisses Yeager's threat and states that by the time he accepts that Tamara has betrayed him and joined them, the remainder of his "pathetic crew" will have paid for his ignorance with their lives. At that moment, Agent Tierny receives a message over the intercom instructing her to attend to a matter at console A2. Tierny vows to continue their conversation before departing.

Synara inquires whether he is alright, and Yeager reassures her that he has endured worse and quips that this is barely a tickle. Synara cautions him that Tierny is a relentless interrogator who will not cease until she obtains answers and asks how they intend to escape.

Meanwhile, Tagrin places a slicing device on Kaz's Star Commuter 2000 shuttle, enabling him to open its door. Outside the hangar, Kaz attempts to reassure Norath that his plan will succeed, recounting that he once wore stormtrooper armor during an undercover mission. Rain begins to fall, and the two blend in with a stormtrooper patrol.

A narrow escape

Meanwhile, Ax Tagrin utilizes the shuttle's computer to pinpoint the location of the Colossus. Aboard the Colossus, Torra, along with Hype Fazon and Freya Fenris, attempt to persuade Captain Doza to allow the Ace Squadron to remain behind and request a pick-up when Kaz is ready. Captain Doza deems it too risky. At that moment, 4D-M1N informs them of an incoming transmission from Varkana.

Torra responds to the transmission, but there is only silence. Captain Doza disables the transmitter, recognizing it as a signal trace. Tagrin contacts Commander Pyre, who inquires about its nature and instructs him to prepare for payment, as he has located what they seek. Pyre contacts Lieutenant Galek and dispatches her to the Colossus' coordinates, ordering her to locate and destroy it. Galek confirms receipt of the orders and relays them to her crew.

4D informs Captain Doza that the Thunderer is converging on their position. Realizing that they have been discovered, Captain Doza declares that they must jump immediately. Torra disagrees, asserting that they cannot abandon Kaz and his team. She pleads with her father to consider her plan.

Commander Pyre's Star Destroyer soon locates the Colossus as it departs from the red gas giant. Lieutenant Galek orders the bridge crew to engage tractor beams and prepare all cannons on her mark. However, the Colossus jumps into hyperspace. Galek informs Commander Pyre, who orders Agent Tierny and a stormtrooper to dismantle CB-23 in search of information regarding the Colossus' whereabouts. CB is subjected to another round of electrocution.

Infiltrating the base

Kaz and Norath, disguised, break away from the stormtrooper patrol and enter the hangar. The two are relieved that Kaz's plan appears to be working but soon encounter Commander Pyre, who is exiting the building. Pyre demands their call number. Kaz responds with 425 before stunning the officer. Norath is taken aback by Kaz's perceived recklessness. When three stormtroopers approach them, they claim that the door is malfunctioning and that there is nothing to see.

Meanwhile, the stormtrooper in the second interrogation chamber informs Agent Tierny that he has gained access to CB-23's main databanks. Tierny instructs him to extract all information and then destroy the droid. After Tierny departs, CB-23 manages to attach her grappling cable to the stormtrooper, electrocuting him. Breaking free, she accesses a network terminal and fries the computers. Agent Tierny hears the commotion and returns to the second interrogation room. CB-23 swings into her using her grappling cable, knocking the First Order Security Bureau agent unconscious.

Meanwhile, Kaz and Norath, disguised, approach the Atmospheric Assault Lander where Yeager and Synara are being held captive. Kaz and Norath free Yeager and Synara. Kaz introduces Norath to Synara. They are soon joined by CB, who announces that she is rescuing them.

Escaping Tagrin and the First Order

The five stealthily exit the troop lander. Kaz attempts to contact Captain Doza but receives no response. Following Synara's suggestion, they decide to return to the shuttle. The group returns to the shuttle. Kaz and Synara enter the cockpit only to be ambushed by Ax Tagrin. Kaz manages to lock Tagrin in the cockpit and instructs CB to lock the ramp.

While Tagrin employs his vibro-ax to hack his way out, Kaz and the others discuss their options. Synara warns that the door will not hold for much longer. Kaz asks CB if she can remotely pilot the shuttle. Tagrin soon forces his way out of the ship and activates a flash grenade. He surprises Kaz and the others.

However, CB has assumed control of the shuttle and uses it to ram Tagrin. She then utilizes its engines to knock the bounty hunter to the ground. Commander Pyre arrives to find an incapacitated Tagrin. He and his men fire at the shuttle but are unable to prevent its escape. Pyre orders Lieutenant Galek to target her TIEs on the runaway shuttle.

Aces to the rescue

Aboard the shuttle, Kaz thanks CB-23 for her efforts, while Norath expresses gratitude to Kaz for his trooper disguise plan. They are soon ambushed by three TIE fighters. As Kaz pilots the ship, Yeager advises him that they need to make an emergency jump. Kaz instructs CB to make a random jump to a safe location. Before the TIEs can eliminate them, Torra arrives with the rest of Ace Squadron and assures him that they have his back.

Hype vows to show these TIEs a "thing or two." As the Aces eliminate the TIEs, Norath inquires about the identities of the pilots. The Aces escort Kaz's Star Commuter 2000 shuttle into space, where they are met by the Thunderer, which dispatches three squadrons. Torra radios her dad that they are ready to depart.

Before the TIEs can intercept them, the Colossus exits hyperspace, causing some of the TIEs to collide with it. Norath is amazed that this is Kaz's ship. After the Aces and Kaz's shuttle have boarded, Captain Doza orders 4D to jump into hyperspace.


While traveling through hyperspace, Norath thanks Captain Doza for the rescue and informs him that the Resistance owes him a debt. Captain Doza replies that he did not do it for the Resistance but returned for his people.

Neeku Vozo is delighted to see Kaz again in stormtrooper armor and recalls that Kaz mentioned it was uncomfortable. Norath attributes the armor to saving their lives, while Neeku states that he has never seen stormtrooper armor protect anyone from anything. Kaz clarifies that it is more of a disguise. Before Kaz and Neeku can continue arguing about armor, Norath suggests that they discard the armor and invites Kaz to assist him with the Resistance. Kaz thanks Norath for his offer but declines, stating that he cannot abandon his Colossus friends yet. He invites Norath and Neeku for drinks at Aunt Z's Tavern.


