"The Missing Agent" marks the twelfth episode of Star Wars Resistance's second season. Its initial broadcast occurred on Disney Channel on December 22, 2019.
The episode commences on a desolate street at night. A green-skinned alien, along with a BB-series astromech droid, are seen dashing through the streets. Seeking refuge, they enter a dwelling, where the green alien declares their need to dispatch a distress signal to the Resistance. The droid, communicating in Binary, cautions against the danger, but the green alien insists on taking the risk. As footsteps approach, the green alien transmits a message via a datapad.
Suddenly, a laser pierces the door. The green alien and the BB astromech droid find themselves trapped by a formidable bounty hunter, who chuckles and questions their presence. The green alien asserts that it is futile, as they've already transmitted a distress signal. The alien bounty hunter inquires about the source of distress before targeting and shooting the astromech droid, identified as 2B. The green alien anticipates an influx of Resistance fighters, but the alien bounty hunter views it as an opportunity for increased profit.
Aboard the Colossus' command bridge, Kazuda Xiono intercepts a distress call on a Resistance frequency and informs Captain Imanuel Doza. Kaz notes that the signal originates from the nearby Varkana system. Doza suspects a trap due to its convenience, but Kaz argues that Resistance frequencies are encrypted and nearly impossible to replicate, prompting his desire to investigate.
CB-23 and Jarek Yeager volunteer to accompany him, with Yeager emphasizing the need to assist potential Resistance members, expecting the same in return. Captain Doza cautions that the mission endangers the Colossus. Kaz assures him that he doesn't want to endanger the Colossus, but Doza tells him he already is. Yeager persuades Doza to grant them one rotation to report back, with the understanding that he should depart if they fail to do so. Xiono attempts to negotiate for additional time, assuring Captain Doza of their return. Yeager urges Xiono to expedite the process.
The Colossus disengages from hyperspace within the Varkana system. Kaz and Yeager embark in a Star Commuter 2000 shuttle. They are joined by the Mirialan pirate Synara San, recruited by Kaz due to the potential for physical confrontation. Kaz dismisses the implications for the "bad guys." Yeager traces the signal to Vargo Spaceport and pilots the shuttle into Varkana's orbit.
The shuttle approaches the spaceport, situated atop a plateau. Yeager lands the shuttle just outside the spaceport. Upon disembarking, Kaz directs CB-23 to pinpoint the distress signal. The group enters the village, with CB tracing the signal from across the village. Yeager advises Kaz to maintain a low profile. Kaz brags about his espionage skills but stumbles over a basket of fruit, irritating a local vendor. Kaz apologizes, but the purple-skinned alien vendor throws a fruit at him.
A Gran vendor named Lechee notices the Colossus visitors and attempts to entice them with his merchandise. Yeager declines their offer. The Gran expresses interest in CB-23 and offers to purchase the droid, but Synara dissuades him. Lechee allows them to pass but informs an unidentified figure via comlink to monitor the offworlders and their ball droid.
CB-23 traces the signal to a house with a malfunctioning set of mechanical doors Kaz and his team realized that someone has gotten to their friend first. Synara doubts the First Order's involvement due to the absence of a garrison. Kaz concurs, noting that the First Order would have silenced the signal. He instructs CB-23 to pinpoint the signal's source. The droid traces it to a hidden datapad with a data rod attached, which Kaz discovers beneath the kitchen bench.
Kaz tasks CB with decrypting the datapad and learns that the individual they seek is named Norath Kev, a Resistance spy who infiltrated the First Order. Kaz realizes the male Duros is a Resistance spy just like him and learns that Kev was tracking the First Order by tracing activity in the black market. Yeager directs CB-23 to download the intel. Kev had a whole list of names of people who he identified as possible First Order contacts including Leechee, the Gran vendor they encountered. Kaz and Yeager realize they have to get out of here.
However, they are ambushed by the alien bounty hunter, who had previously captured Norath. He now intends to capture Norath's associates. Kaz denies their association with Norath, but the bounty hunter remains indifferent. Kaz informs the bounty hunter about the list of names of individuals valuable to the First Order. The bounty hunter disregards this information, stating that it is beyond his contracted duties.
Kaz throws the datapad at the bounty hunter, and Yeager fires at it, attempting to electrocute him. The bounty hunter deflects the shot with his blaster. Synara disarms the bounty hunter with a kick. As Kaz and Yeager retreat, Synara confronts the bounty hunter with her blaster. However, the bounty hunter retaliates with his vibro-ax, leading to a duel on the stony balcony. The bounty hunter disables Synara's blaster with his vibro-ax.
Kaz urges them to assist Synara, but Yeager insists that she can hold off the bounty hunter while they seek refuge. Kaz, Yeager, and CB-23 retreat. Synara manages to knock the alien bounty hunter to the ground but he grabs one of her legs. The two fight and Synara manages to break away and jump over the balcony but is stung in the back by the vibro-ax The bounty hunter catches up with her but she kicks him over the balcony. An injured Synara looks over the lower balcony and walks away.
An injured Synara rejoins Kaz and the others in the village marketplace. Kaz inquires about her well-being. Synara assures them that she is fine but that the "sleemo" escaped. The team regroups by several containers. Kaz asks what they are dealing with. Synara explains that they are dealing with a bounty hunter rooting out Resistance spies. When Yeager asks Synara if she thinks Norath is still alive, Synara doesn't know but thinks it is unlikely.
Kaz refuses to leave unless they can verify that Norath is alive. Captain Doza inquires about the mission's progress and cautions against prolonged exposure of the Colossus in the Varkana system. Yeager instructs Doza to retreat if necessary, but Kaz urges the Captain to trust their imminent departure.
Yeager asserts the need for leads. Synara suggests Lechee, and Kaz suspects the Gran vendor's ties to the First Order. Yeager questions the First Order's interest in a small-time player like Lechee. Synara notes the scarcity of valuable assets in the village. Yeager understands Synara's line of thought and says in times like the First Order-Resistance War a member of the Resistance carries a high value of value to the right people while Synara realizes that Lechee must have found out who Norath really was and sold him out.
While Lechee is counting his credits, he is confronted by Yeager and the others. Yeager demands to know the source of his wealth. The Gran tells Yeager to mind his own business. Synara disagrees and grabs a sonic blaster and points it at Lechee. Kaz confronts Lechee for exposing Norath Kev to the bounty hunter. Lechee is not intimidated and asks what he is going to do about it.
Kaz asks CB-23 to make Lechee talk. The droid flashes one of her grappling arms and scratches the side of his stony table. Lechee is not intimidated. Kaz asks Lechee what the bounty hunter did with Norath but the Gran is defiant. The droid continues scratching, annoying Lechee. Synara tells CB to stop because she too is annoyed.
Yeager threatens to rob his credit safe unless Lechee tells him what they need to know. Lechee tells Yeager that the bounty hunter took Norath to his ship and rented out a docking bay hangar in the southside. Before leaving, Synara fries his comlink with a blaster rifle to prevent Lechee from warning the bounty hunter.
Kaz and the others head to the southside hangar bay where the find the bounty hunter's ship. Yeager instructs Synara to remain vigilant for reinforcements while he, Kaz, and CB-23 infiltrate the bounty hunter's ship. They enter the ship's cargo bay. Kaz unlocks a cell and discovers a bruised Norath inside. He informs Norath of their rescue mission and their affiliation with the Resistance. Norath warns them that this is trap but the ramp closes, trapping them inside the cargo bay.
Speaking over the intercom, the bounty hunter "welcomes" the Resistance operatives aboard. Synara realizes her friends are in trouble. Norath apologizes for their trouble and tells Yeager and Kaz that he was tracking shipments and materials that the First Order moves through black market channels after being asked about his mission. Kaz deduces that Lechee double-crossed Norath. Norath says that greed got the better of him. Norath had compiled a list of First Order sympathizers and dealers but sighs that it lost, thinking he has failed. Kaz reassures Norath that CB-23 has the list, delighting the Resistance spy because there's still a chance.
The alien bounty hunter enters the ship's cockpit and removes his mask. He contacts Commander Pyre via holoprojector and asks what the bounty hunter's report is, the alien informs him that he has snagged three more members of the Resistance and says that his usual rate applies. Pyre thanks the alien bounty hunter, who is revealed to be the Iktotchi Ax Tagrin, for his services to the First Order's cause. Ax calls him a tin can and tells him to save it or his price goes up and says that he serves the winning side who right now is them. He sends Pyre coordinates and says if he the prisoners then he'll have to come to the Iktotchi. When the Commander asks if they're worth his time Ax says to tell him because he thinks it's some kind of cell with Norath as one, there's some kid named Kaz, and an old man. Commander Pyre says that they will meet him at the rendezvous point shortly.
As Ax initiates the engine, Norath urges them to escape. Kaz and CB-23 search for an exit while Synara attempts to target the cockpit. However, it is armored, and Ax waves to her as he takes off into the skies. Synara spots a speeder bike. Meanwhile, Kaz tries to figure a way out to bring the ship down or prevent Ax from rendezvousing with the First Order. He and Norath manage to open a panel. Yeager quips that Kaz is a good at bringing ships down. While Kaz removes the batteries, CB-23 plugs into the network terminal to override the system. This causes an alarm to flash.
Ax presses a button which electrocutes the computer, driving Kaz and Norath away. Kaz tells CB-23 to let go however the ball droid persists, causing the ship systems to overheat. Ax rushes out to confront the prisoners while one of the ship's fuses blow up, causing the ship to descend. Synara follows them in her speeder bike and watches the ship plummeting towards the ground.
Ax's ship ploughs through a pillar of rock before crash-landing on the rocky earth. Kaz, Yeager, and CB-23 are alright but Norath has sustained injuries to his head and leg. Kaz helps an injured Norath out of the ship while a damaged CB-23 rolls along. Kaz reassures her that they will get her fixed.
However, Ax has survived the crash and watches them from the top of his ship. He follows them and Yeager shoots at him while telling the others to take cover. Ax and Yeager engage in a gun battle with Yeager taking shelter behind a rock. Kaz grabs a metal tool and attacks Ax from behind, knocking the blaster out of his hand. However, Ax is resistant to Kaz's attacks and knocks him to the ground.
Yeager shoots at him but Ax knocks his blaster out of his hand and charges at him with his vibro-ax. The two engage in hand to hand combat. Ax gains the upper hand and holds the vibro-ax over Yeager's head. He tells Yeager to surrender so that he can get paid.
However, Synara arrives on her speeder bike and attacks him with her blaster. He deflects her blaster with his vibrio-ax and they engage in hand to hand combat. Synara tells Kaz to contact Captain Doza for an evacuation. Kaz and Naroth prepare to leave on Synara's speeder bike but Ax hurls his vibro-ax at them, narrowly missing them.
As the two race away, Kaz spots CB unconscious. Yeager grabs Ax's vibro-ax and aids Synara in the fight against Ax. Despite their combined efforts, they are unable to match Ax's strength and endurance. Deciding to finishing them off, he charges at them with his vibro-ax. However, he strikes his ax against something that triggers an explosion.
Kaz and Norath spot the explosion while riding away on their bike. Kaz contacts Yeager but hears no response and fears for the worse. Returning to the village, Kaz contacts Captain Doza to request an evacuation. However, Captain Doza says that the First Order has already arrived. The Thunderer exits hyperspace and dispatches several fighters and a transport. Kaz and Norath agree that this day keeps getting worse and worse as the episode comes to an end.