"Station to Station," an episode within the second season of Star Wars Resistance, marks the eleventh installment. It was initially broadcast on Disney Channel on December 15, 2019.
The episode commences with a sweeping aerial view showcasing three First Order TIE/fo space superiority fighters as they make their way back to the Thunderer. Following the docking of the TIE fighters in the hangar bay, Cadet Jace Rucklin (DT-798) voices his discontent with the monotonous rotations and the necessity of refueling the fighters. He asserts that his role should be piloting, not performing maintenance. Cadet Tamara Ryvora (DT-533) retorts by questioning whether Jace would prefer being back on the Colossus, serving Jawa juice. She comments that repairing engines back in Jarek Yeager's garage was more enjoyable than their current task. Lieutenant Galek informs Cadet DT-533 that she has an assignment for her. She and Jace quickly go to Galek, who tells them that Commander Pyre is scheduled for a critical meeting at one of the First Order's important refueling stations known as the Titan. She instructs Tam to pilot a shuttle for a resupply mission. Galek orders DT-798 to cease grinning at Tam's obvious disappointment and eagerness to comply, as he will also be accompanying her due to their familiarity with such stations.
They escort Pyre's Atmospheric Assault Lander in a two-seater TIE/sf space superiority fighter. When Jace questions Tam about Galek's remark regarding their familiarity with these types of stations, Tam remains unaware until they spot the Titan, which mirrors the refueling station design of the Colossus.
The pair navigates their way toward the station and touches down in the hangar. Tam observes that it's similar to their former home, yet different, while Jace thinks it is an upgrade. They proceed down a corridor, which leads to the supply depot. Jace mentions that the layout is comparable to the Colossus. Tam notices a First Order technician stumbling over a BB-series astromech droid. Despite the technician's attempts to suppress his voice, Tam identifies him as Kazuda Xiono before he departs. When Jace inquires, Tam dismisses it as nothing, and they continue toward the supply depot.
In the meantime, Kaz locates Neeku Vozo, also disguised as a technician, and CB-23, covered in black paint. They are in search of the trans-binary deflector for the Colossus under the pretense of performing repairs. Kaz informs Neeku and CB that Tam's presence complicates their operation. Neeku concurs, stating that she would not permit them to steal the deflector. CB-23 is unable to pinpoint the deflector's whereabouts because he can't locate a functional port.
As two stormtroopers walk by, Kaz feigns giving orders to Neeku. Subsequently, the three enter a turbolift, where Neeku reminds him that they require a replacement trans-binary deflector for the Colossus within two hours, or the station will be contaminated with cosmic radiation. Kaz assures Neeku that they will prevent this and will proceed to the engineering level to retrieve it. Upon exiting the turbolift, Kaz instructs Neeku to allow him to do the talking and to keep an eye out for Tam. Neeku responds that he will watch for Tam with both eyes.
Concealing themselves behind crates, they avoid detection as two stormtroopers pass. While navigating the cargo bay, Kaz is intercepted by two stormtroopers who request that he guide General Armitage Hux to the tower briefing room. Assuming Kaz is a technician familiar with the station, Hux complains about the staff's inability to provide proper directions and informs Kaz that he has an important briefing and is pressed for time.
Neeku and CB-23 observe as Kaz, Hux, and the stormtroopers enter a lift. Inside, Hux criticizes the layout of the refueling stations as highly inconvenient but acknowledges their value to the First Order, provided standards are maintained. He declares that any stations failing to meet these standards will be destroyed. Kaz frowns and clenches his fist. Kaz turns around and Hux asks if he has anything to say. Before Kaz can respond, the lift doors open, and Commander Pyre greets General Hux.
Kaz pretends to be reading a datapad while Commander Pyre tells General Hux he is honored to see the young man again while the General tells the Stormtrooper Commander he might not have found him if it wasn't Kaz. Pyre apologizes for not being able to greet Hux upon his arrival since their meeting at the Titan was on such short notice. Hux says that their Supreme Leader wants an update on their stock of refueling stations and asks Pyre if it's true that he has had difficulty acquiring a few. Pyre gives his confirmation to the General and reports that one has become a Resistance cell but vows to crush it. General Hux tells him to make it happen and wants no more excuses. He says that he wants every Resistance cells in the galaxy quashed and asks if he understands. Pyre tells Hux he does as they enter a conference room full of First Order officers while Kaz waits outside and breathes a sigh of relief.
Meanwhile, Tam and Jace push a hoversled. At the supply depot, a stormtrooper tells a worker droid that he needs a DX-92 compressor. Arriving at the supply depot, Tam says that it reminds her of the Office of Acquisitions back at the Colossus but that this one is cold, sterile, and has more stormtroopers. Tam says she misses the Colossus but Jace describes their former home as a trash heap.
In another location, Neeku and CB-23 discover a port but encounter two stormtroopers and BB unit. The stormtroopers say they weren't notified of any work order and demand to see some identification. Kaz arrives and pretends that Neeku is one his subordinates. He claims that they have to update the DX-93 sonic cable and shows off his new hammer to the stormtroopers, who decide things are not suspicious and move on.
Kaz informs Neeku that Commander Pyre is aboard the Titan and that they need to get out before he recognizes them. Kaz asks CB-23 about progress in finding the trans-binary deflector. The droid informs them that it is in the hyperdrive chamber but Neeku explains that they can't remove the deflector while it is still online. He proposes going to the engine room to manually shut it down. Kaz tells CB to stay at the port and ensure they have access to the engine room controls. Once they are done, he tells the droid to meet them down in the engineering deck.
Kaz and Neeku sneak into the engineering control room, taking care to avoid the notice of the First Order fleet engineers. After pressing buttons, they sneak into the engineering deck. Kaz tells CB-23 that they have made it into the engineering deck safely.
Concurrently, Tam and Jace pass two stormtroopers while pushing a hoversled containing several boxes, who are discussing a malfunctioning turbolift. One of them suggests summoning the strange technician and his Nikto colleague down in engineering. Realizing that Neeku is around, Tam claims that she forgot something in the supply depot and that she will meet him back in the hangar. Jace grumbles that he will have to do the work himself.
Venturing deeper into the engineering deck, Kaz and Neeku evade stormtroopers. Meanwhile, Jace encounters a disguised CB-23 and follows the droid in his hoversled. Two service droids exit the hyperdrive chamber just as CB-23 links up with Kaz and Neeku. The three enter the chamber but are being watched by Jace.
Upon entering the hyperdrive chamber, Neeku believes that the trans-binary deflector is located here. A blue energy beam is in the centre of an octagonal chamber. Neeku explains that all Kaz has to do is to remove the deflector while he reroutes power from the terminal. He warns Kaz not to do it before he has finished rerouting the power due to the risk of death.
Kaz sends CB-23 to prepare the shuttle. As CB-23 rolls out of the hyperdrive chamber, Jace is watching and wonders what is going on. While CB-23 is traveling through the corridors, he is noticed by Tam. Neeku gets to work rerouting power from the terminal. Kaz is about to remove the deflector when they are stopped by Jace.
Kaz attempts to disguise his voice, but Jace recognizes him. Rucklin contacts security using his comlink. Kaz protests and tries to reason with Jace, explaining that the Colossus is old and requires a new trans-binary deflector to prevent the ship and its occupants from being harmed by cosmic radiation. Rucklin remains unmoved, stating that this is the consequence of choosing the wrong side. He asserts that Kaz should have been intelligent like him and Tam and abandoned them long ago.
Rucklin informs security services via comlink that he has apprehended two Resistance agents in engineering. A male voice instructs Rucklin to secure the area and that troopers will arrive to apprehend the agents. Jace seals the hyperdrive chamber. Meanwhile, Commander Pyre informs the other First Order officers that Security Operations is hunting down Resistance cells planet by planet. General Hux vows to eliminate the Resistance like vermin until they are completely eradicated, but the conference is interrupted by a security alarm.
Kaz insists that they must escape with the trans-binary deflector. He struggles to remove the deflector until Neeku points out that he is doing it incorrectly and presses a button that unlocks the deflector. Kaz gently removes it, and Neeku places it in his pack. The two find themselves trapped behind the blast doors, with Neeku noting that it will take him a considerable amount of time to unlock the security code.
Meanwhile, several stormtroopers converge on Tam. Their commanding officer informs her that Resistance agents are impersonating personnel and instructs her to watch for any suspicious activity. She checks the security cameras and finds Kaz and Neeku struggling against the locked blast door. Upon learning about the nature of their mission and their predicament, she remotely unlocks the blast doors, allowing them to escape.
When stormtroopers arrive, Tam claims that she tried to stop them and that they went in the opposite direction. The stormtroopers run to apprehend the fugitives. Kaz and Neeku reach a dead end and turn a corner only to run into two stormtroopers. The two pretend to reach for their identification but Kaz takes the opportunity to grab his blaster pistol and stun them.
Meanwhile, Commander Pyre learns that they have a Code Three in engineering. An enraged General Hux questions Pyre's ability to keep the station secure. Kaz tells CB-23 to unlock the blast door in Sector 1305. In the hangar, the astromech droid rushes from the shuttle to a port. Just then, Kaz and Neeku are cornered by Commander Pyre and General Hux. Pyre recognizes Kaz and tells Hux he's a Resistance spy after the General asks who he is. Fortunately for Kaz and Neeku, CB-23 is able to unlock the blast door and they retreat into a chamber. CB manages to close the door in time.
Kaz and Neeku head back to the main hangar. General Hux demands that Pyre unlock the door. They reach the hangar and hide behind several crates. Neeku convinces Kaz to get CB-23 to ferry them over in a crane to get pass the troopers. They climb on top of Crane G27 and Kaz gets CB-23 to activate the crane. He asks CB to carry them to the transport.
CB-23 gets to work and gets the crane to carry the crate carrying Kaz and Neeku. However, CB-23 is ambushed by two First BB astromech droids, one of whom electrocutes him. The crane jerks and Neeku loses his balance. Kaz holds him up. The stormtroopers spot them and open fire at the spinning crane, which comes to a halt and topples repulsorlift speeder.
Kaz shoots at a fleet engineer manning a nearby crane, causing the two cranes to collide. One of the crates crashes into several grey boxes. Kaz tells Neeku to head back to the shuttle. Kaz and Neeku run on top of the boxes before coming to a halt. CB-23 fights off the two BB droids and joins his comrades. The three flee aboard their shuttle with Commander Pyre and General Hux in hot pursuit. Dodging blaster fire, they escape aboard the shuttle and leave the hangar. Commander Pyre dispatches three TIE fighters after them.
Meanwhile, Jace tells Tam that he caught Neeku and Kaz spying for the Resistance aboard the Titan. Tam is surprised. A smug Jace tells her to get used to calling him Commander, referring to her as 533. He thinks he will be getting a promotion. Tam watches the TIEs chasing Kaz and Neeku's shuttle and remarks that his promotion is gone with the Resistance agents' escape.
General Hux scolds Commander Pyre for allowing Resistance agents to infiltrate their ranks. Pyre argues that it was inconsequential and that the Resistance only stole a useless component, indicating the Colossus's desperation. Hux disagrees, stating that desperation can be dangerous. He orders Pyre to locate and destroy the Colossus.
After Hux has left, Pyre tells the General he will and contacts Agent Tierny via holoprojector to inform her that their friend Kaz was on the Titan, acquired a binary deflector, and escaped capture. When Tierny asks if DT-533 contacted the spy, Pyre says that she was supposedly with DT-798, who turned them in. She says that if they play it right, Miss Ryvora will help them to destroy the Colossus. While flying home, Rucklin asks Tam if she is glad that she joined the First Order because the Colossus is getting desperate. Tam mouths yes in agreement while hiding her true feelings and sympathies.