First Order fleet gunners, who were also called fleet engineers, were members of the First Order and could be found operating on vessels such as the flagship Supremacy, Mandator IV-class Siege Dreadnoughts, and Star Destroyers including the Finalizer.

During the First Order-Resistance War, First Order Star Destroyers employed fleet gunners. In 34 ABY, these gunners operated the weaponry on the Resurgent-class Star Destroyer Finalizer as well as the Mega-class Star Dreadnought Supremacy. During both the Battle of D'Qar and the later Battle of Oetchi, fleet gunners stationed on the Supremacy engaged the escaping fleet of the Resistance with their cannons. One such fleet engineer during this period was Brun Obatsun.
The standard attire for First Order fleet gunners consisted of black uniforms, along with work gloves and boots. The shoulders of their uniforms bore the First Order insignia. Completing their look were distinctive black helmets, featuring a swooping design and a face visor that displayed targeting information.