
The Titan, a fuel depot of the Trantor-class supertanker variety, was under the control of the First Order during the First Order-Resistance War, functioning as a refueling and resupply hub. Sharing a similar model with the Resistance space station Colossus, the Titan became the target of infiltration by Team Colossus, specifically Kazuda Xiono, Neeku Vozo, and [CB-23]. Their mission was to procure a replacement trans-binary deflector due to the impending failure of the Colossus's own deflector. In an unexpected turn of events, General Armitage Hux and Commander Pyre were holding a significant meeting on the Titan at the same time as the infiltration. Because Pyre was at the meeting, Tamara Ryvora and Jace Rucklin, TIE pilot cadets formerly living on the Colossus and currently stationed on Pyre's Star Destroyer, were dispatched to the Titan for a supply mission, given their previous familiarity with supertanker fuel depots.

