"Kaz's Curse" marks the tenth installment in the second season of the animated series Star Wars Resistance. Its initial broadcast occurred on December 8, 2019, airing on the Disney Channel.
After a pirate casts a hex upon Kaz, the situation deteriorates when the Colossus ventures into the dangerous Guavian Death Space.
The episode commences with an expansive view of the Colossus. Inside Aunt Z's Tavern, Kazuda Xiono and Neeku Vozo are engaged in a game of chance with members of the Warbirds pirate faction. Kaz is experiencing a streak of good fortune, accumulating a significant number of cards. Kaz expresses surprise, given his inexperience with the game, while Synara San observes her astonishment at the persistence of his beginner's luck.
The Nikto pirate known as Leoz wagers a pair of his boots, only to be defeated. The Weequay named Drell voices his displeasure at allowing Kaz to participate, believing him to be an easy target. Kaz retorts that his losses are not his responsibility, as he claims Leoz's boot. Neeku attempts to caution Kaz about the pirates' volatile nature. Kaz disregards Neeku's advice, eager to prolong his winning streak. He casts two black dice onto the gaming surface.
Leoz denounces Kaz as a "scrumrat" and alleges cheating. Kaz responds with laughter, questioning how he could cheat using Leoz's own dice. Drell concedes that Kaz has a valid point. Kaz reiterates his point and warns Leoz against pushing his luck. He gathers the pirates' credits, placing them inside Leoz's boot. Leoz loses his composure and leaps onto the table.
Speaking in the Nikto language, Leoz touches Kaz's head and delivers a curse. The other pirates react with shock, while Leoz mocks Kaz's fortune. The Aleena named Grevel laughs, informing Kaz of his cursed state. Neeku expresses alarm that his friend is now permanently cursed. Kaz dismisses Leoz's curse, regarding Leoz as a poor sport. He inadvertently strikes a cup, which hits the Gamorrean pirate Gork, provoking a furious growl. The superstitious Neeku believes that Kaz's good fortune has ended. Synara manages to pacify Gork, declaring the game over. She urges Kaz to leave, as the other pirates glare and hiss at him. Kaz and Neeku depart from Aunt Z's Tavern.
While traversing the corridor, Neeku inquires about Kaz's well-being. Kaz asserts that he is unharmed, but Neeku remains concerned about the curse. Kaz dismisses it as a foolish pirate jest, but the ceiling lights begin to flicker. The superstitious Neeku attributes the flickering lights to Kaz's cursed condition. Kaz disagrees, attributing it to poor maintenance. The lights cease flickering, and Kaz declares that there is no curse. At that moment, the ceiling light short circuits, showering them with sparks. Kaz dismisses it as a coincidence, blaming faulty power relays.
Neeku points out that the relays were recently upgraded. He attributes it to the curse, repeating the word. Kaz insists that no such thing exists and suggests they acquire some food. Neeku and CB-23 accompany him. They arrive at the Colossus marketplace, and Kaz offers to pay for lunch. Neeku politely refuses his offer, citing his cursed state. Kaz expresses frustration, but Neeku is concerned about his friend's condition. Kaz jokingly threatens to curse Neeku, but Neeku warns him against treating it lightly, cautioning that curses might be contagious. They are being observed by the archaeologist Mika Grey.
Mika Grey is visited in her stall by the Klatooinian merchant Bolza Grool, who seeks a prediction of his lifespan. He inquires whether he will survive the ongoing war. Mika cautions that she can only provide a glimpse into his future. She reveals that she sees numerous tiny, sharp teeth gnawing at his insides. Grool asks if she is implying that his gorgs will devour him. Grey responds that if that is his interpretation, then that is what it may be, and she cannot provide further clarification. Grool presses her for more information, but she states that she cannot be more specific. Grey requests a payment of 50 credits. He offers 60 credits for more detailed information. Grey replies that it does not operate in that manner. Grool grumbles before leaving her stall.
Returning to the marketplace, Kaz attempts to order stew, but the vendor informs him that it is sold out. Neeku blames the curse, but Kaz refuses to hear about it again. He asserts that no such thing exists and proceeds to find an alternative meal. He discovers that Neeku is holding his boot containing credits.
Kaz inadvertently steps into the path of a hoversled transporting crates, which is being pushed by the Rodian dockside worker Glem. Neeku pushes him out of the path of the falling crates, inquiring about his well-being. Kaz maintains that he is unharmed, but Neeku insists that he is cursed. Kaz refuses to acknowledge the curse, attributing it to coincidence. CB-23 appears behind Kaz. Neeku quips that it is more like a "curse-incidence." Kaz growls in frustration. Suddenly, 4D-M1N announces over the intercom, summoning Hype Fazon, Torra Doza, and Kaz to report to the hangar immediately.
The Colossus approaches a asteroid field. Kaz hurries into the hangar with CB-23, but he slips on the recently mopped floor, courtesy of Opeepit. Hype, Torra Doza, Yeager, and their astromech droids Bucket, R4-G77, R23-X9 are seated around the table. Kaz mouths an apology while Yeager briefs the group about the asteroids, projecting them on a holoprojector. He explains that they are in the middle of Guavian space and need to find a way to get through the field without being seen.
Hype questions the necessity of traversing an asteroid field when there is clear space three parsecs away, suggesting an alternative route. Yeager explains that the asteroid field provides the quickest escape from Guavian Death Gang territory. He adds that if the Guavians detect them, they will all be in danger. Kaz remarks that he would prefer not to discover the reason for their "Death Gang" moniker.
Yeager assigns the three Aces to scout the asteroid field, instructing them to ensure there are no Guavian patrols and to eliminate them before they can summon reinforcements. The Aces acknowledge the orders, with Kaz affirming their understanding.
As the Colossus penetrates deeper into the asteroid field, the Aces enter their respective fighters. Yeager, Bucket, and Neeku observe as Kaz and CB-23 prepare their vessel. The Colossus employs its turbolaser cannons to clear a path through the asteroid field. Kaz pilots the Fireball and instructs CB to remain vigilant. The duo utilizes the ship's sensors to navigate the asteroid field.
Kaz resolves to put the curse behind him, reminding himself that he is back in his element. However, he inadvertently activates the landing strut, causing the fighter to scrape an asteroid. Kaz expresses confusion while CB-23 squeals. They evade several approaching asteroids. Kaz dismisses it as a minor scratch but suddenly discovers that his seat has risen, causing him to lose control of the ship.
The Fireball is detected by a Guavian ship, whose pilot speaks in an unknown language and laughs. He emerges from his asteroid hiding place. CB-23 and Kaz spot the scout. Kaz alerts Hype, who instructs him to maintain visual contact because he and Torra are approaching. Hype pilots the Green Ace while Kaz manages to lower his seat. Kaz instructs CB to jam the Guavian ship's systems before the pilot can call for reinforcements.
However, the handle breaks off, and Kaz grumbles that he "had him." CB-23 suggests that Kaz is cursed, but Kaz refuses to believe it. When Hype inquires about the situation, Kaz admits that the scout escaped, prompting Hype to dismiss him as a "Kaz-tastrophe." Kaz concedes that he is experiencing severe bad luck, regardless of the curse. Suddenly, the seat rises again.
Kaz manages to return to the Colossus with considerable difficulty, landing the rickety Fireball. Torra inquires about the incident, while Hype expresses disbelief that Kaz missed his target. As they question Kaz about his failure, he trips and falls out of his fighter, mumbling that it is not his fault.
At that moment, Bucket arrives and projects a holo-projection of Captain Imanuel Doza, who asks if Kaz spotted the Guavians. Kaz confirms that he sighted a scout and attempted to jam his com signals, but he escaped. Doza responds that his failure has attracted the attention of one of the galaxy's most powerful gangs. Captain Doza terminates the connection and walks away. Kaz bows his head.
Yeager states that they have no choice but to maintain their course to escape Guavian space. Hype mocks Kaz for his failure. Kaz attempts to explain, but Neeku advises Kaz to seek Leoz's help to remove the curse. Kaz refuses, but Neeku insists that Kaz listen to him. Suddenly, the lights flicker, and a gorg lands on Kaz's shoulder.
Kaz returns to Aunt Z's Tavern with several gorgs clinging to him. Grool screams in fright. He walks past Aunt Z, who is holding a carton of blue milk. Leoz and Garma are laughing on a table, making jokes about Kaz. Kaz appears and demands that Leoz undo his curse. Leoz refuses. Kaz argues that he is scaring Neeku and interfering with his flying. He also presents Leoz's boot and credits, demanding that Leoz remove the curse.
Leoz agrees and instructs Kaz to approach him. He licks his finger and smears Kaz's face with his saliva before chanting in an unknown language. However, he reveals that he has placed a double curse on Kaz. Garma bursts out laughing and mocks Kaz. Kaz walks away, and Neeku suggests that he consult Mika Grey, claiming that she possesses knowledge of such matters.
Kaz expresses doubt. The two and CB-23 dodge falling debris from a blown fuse above. Kaz decides it is worth a try. They proceed to Mika Grey's tent within the Colossus. Several spacers, including Grool, Jooks, Egdir, and a mouthless alien, flee from Kaz, believing him to be cursed. Neeku wishes Kaz good luck, hoping that she can cure him of the curse, unless it is incurable.
Inside Mika's tent, Mika deduces that Kaz is there regarding the curse. Neeku claims she has powers, but Mika points out that she overheard him discussing it earlier and that the entire community is aware. Kaz places his boot and credits on the table, explaining that the situation is urgent and offering payment. He explains that a pirate cursed him and that it is affecting him.
Mika explains that a significant aspect of a curse depends on the individual's belief in it. She suspects that he believes in it more than he admits. She asks Kaz if he had a lucky charm or something that made him feel safe when he flies. Kaz says that he had a lucky trophy once but that his luck ran out. She reasons that this thing is inside him and that all he needs is a lucky charm to act as a defense against this curse.
Mika hands Kaz a wooden carving, describing it as a talisman that she acquired during her travels. She adds that it is the kind of thing that can ward off evil energy. Holding the wooden object, he asks if it can protect him from the curse. Mika says she doesn't know and asks him to consider will it. Suddenly, they hear blasts and klaxons ringing. Neeku asks if it is the curse, but Mika points out that they are under attack.
Captain Doza, Yeager, and 4D-M1N are on the bridge of the Colossus. Several Guavian starships converge on the Colossus, firing upon it. Hype suggests launching their fighters, but Doza points out that the gangsters are attempting to intimidate them and will not destroy the station. He explains that extortion is their method. Suddenly, a masked Guavian leader appears on the holoprojector, speaking in an alien tongue.
Translating, 4D explains that they have already demonstrated their superior firepower. He demands a toll of one million credits or the surrender of the Colossus. Captain Doza rejects their demands. The Guavian leader responds. 4D translates that if they do not pay, they will seize their ship and hand all its people over to the First Order. The leader then departs.
Doza asks Yeager how long it will take before they can jump to hyperspace. Yeager says not until they clear the asteroid field. Doza has no choice but to launch the Aces. Freya Fenris, Bo Keevil, and Torra enter their fighters. They are joined by Hype and Griff Halloran. The Aces engage in a dogfight.
Kaz and CB-23 rush to the hangar. They pass a flickering light, but Kaz smiles and flicks his talisman. He climbs aboard the Fireball but drops his talisman. Neeku asks if Mika fixed him. Kaz says he is good to go and departs with CB-23 aboard the Fireball. They join the dogfight.
Kaz lines up beside Hype, who remarks that he is finally joining the fight. Kaz reassures him that he had something to sort out and that everything is fine now. Hype says that he hopes so and that they have a difficult task ahead. The two lead the Guavian fighters on a chase around the Colossus, circling the space station.
Realizing that the Guavians have them trapped, Captain Doza orders the Aces to distract them so that they can clear the asteroids and jump into hyperspace. The Aces lead the Guavian ships away from the Colossus. Kaz tries to aim at a Guavian ship but finds that the racer's laser cannon is jammed. Kaz realizes his wooden talisman is missing.
Neeku picks it up and wonders what it is. Two Guavian fighters close in on the Fireball, and CB-23 takes shelter. Kaz manages to calm himself by telling himself there is no curse. He manages to fire the laser cannon at an asteroid before flying away. One of the Guavian ships crashes into debris, leaving only one pursuer. The second Guavian ship crashes into an asteroid.
Captain Doza orders the Aces to stay on the Guavians because they are not there yet. Bo Keevil tells Kaz over the intercom that he has two on his tail. Kaz shoots both of the pursuers down, earning Bo's praise. Kaz tells the other Aces over the intercom that their ships cannot outmaneuver the Guavian ships and to instead use the asteroids to their advantage and take them down. They lead the Guavian ships to the asteroids. The Guavians are also hit by the Colossus' turbolaser cannons.
Doza tells the Aces to keep it up because they are almost in the clear. More Guavian ships are hit by asteroids or the Colossus' cannons as the space station reaches the perimeter of the asteroid field. Kaz tells the Aces they have gotten this. The Colossus exits the asteroid field. 4D informs Captain Doza they have an opening and he tells the Aces to get back to the Colossus. The Aces return to their hangar before the Colossus jumps into hyperspace, leaving the two remaining Guavian ships behind.
Aboard the hangar, Torra thanks Kaz. Neeku tells Kaz that he found a wooden talisman on the hangar floor. Kaz recognizes this as the talisman that Mika gave him to ward off his curse. He says that he must have dropped it by accident. Neeku reasons that is why he was not obliterated out there and believes that Kaz is no longer cursed. Neeku celebrates and Kaz agrees he is no longer cursed. He asks if he can borrow the talisman. Neeku replies that he was technically borrowing it from Kaz.
At the Colossus marketplace, Leoz and Garma are laughing together while sitting on a crate. Kaz visits Leoz and drops the talisman into his stew. When Leoz asks what is this, Kaz says this is nothing special but a token he got from Mika Grey. He claims that is cursed, causing Leoz to panic. Leoz throws it at Garma, who drops it into Grool's stew. Grool throws the talisman out only to find a gorg in his soup, causing him to panic. He shouts that he doesn't want to die.
Kaz visits Mika, walking past Opeepit. When she asks if he survives his curse, he tells her that it was all in his head. She says sure it was if that is what you think. Kaz thanks Mika. Kaz hands her the talisman. A gorg jumps on Mika's shoulder and she remarks that these pilots are a curious bunch. She describes them as a superstitious lot, as the hologram marketplace lights briefly flicker.