"Voxx Vortex 5000": This is the ninth episode from Star Wars Resistance's second season. It was initially broadcast on Disney Channel on December 1, 2019.
Hoping for a lucrative payout for the platform, the Colossus makes a stop at a casino for some racing action. However, the casino owner's racers might prove difficult to overcome.
The episode starts with Griff Halloran and Bo Keevil brawling inside the Aces' Lounge, observed by Hype Fazon. Soon after, Captain Imanuel Doza, Jarek Yeager, and Bucket enter the lounge to meet with Hype as planned. Hype suggests a solution to the Aces' restlessness, caused by Doza's racing ban. Doza clarifies that they're trying to avoid attracting attention to the Colossus due to the inherent danger.
Hype suggests moving the races to a different location. He mentions that Vranki, an old acquaintance, runs a high-end racing circuit in the Voxx Cluster. Captain Doza acknowledges that this could address the Aces' boredom issue but questions its benefit for the rest of the Colossus. Hype argues that with six of the best aces in the galaxy, they can earn significant money at Vranki's Hotel and Casino. Yeager sees it as a win-win situation, as they are short on supplies. Hype assures them that it will resolve everything.
Captain Doza gives his approval to Hype's plan for generating income and agrees to set a course for Vranki's casino. However, he gives Hype a stern warning not to give him cause to regret this decision. Upon hearing the news, the other Aces, including Kazuda Xiono, Torra Doza, Freya Fenris, Griff, and Bo, all celebrate enthusiastically.
The Colossus journeys to Vranki's Hotel and Casino, situated within the asteroid-filled Voxx Cluster. A Star Commuter 2000 shuttle transports Kaz, Hype, Captain Doza, Yeager, Torra, Neeku Vozo, and the other Aces to the space hotel. Kaz expresses surprise that Hype learned to race in an asteroid field. Hype responds that in this environment, you either become a skilled racer or perish. He believes they can earn a substantial amount of credits if they strategize effectively.
As the shuttle nears a hangar bay displaying a vibrant hologram of a Hutt, Kaz inquires about Vranki's identity. The orange shuttle lands inside the hangar bay, and the passengers exit via the docking ramp. They are greeted by TC-G3, a service droid who welcomes them to Vranki's Hotel and Casino. Vranki soon arrives on a floating throne with a gorg contained in a nutrient jar. He acknowledges Hype Fazon's return, noting his notoriety. Hype returns the greeting.
Vranki informs Hype's companions that Hype was his top earner in the Voxx cluster. Hype jokingly retorts that Vranki never found a pilot superior to him. Vranki embraces Hype tightly, while Neeku comments on the heartwarming reunion. Hype pulls away and tells Vranki not to touch his belongings. Vranki asserts that he is unlike other Hutts, identifying himself as Vranki the Blue, the owner and operator of Vranki's Hotel and Casino.
The droid guides them inside, as Hype brags about his gambling successes. Vranki takes them on a tour of his casino, claiming it's a legitimate operation. Upon entering the casino, Kaz observes that it is mostly deserted. Vranki scolds two Kowakian monkey-lizards who are perched on a snooker table. Vranki laments that business at his casino has been slow since the beginning of the First Order-Resistance War, unlike Canto Bight.
Two Kowakian monkey-lizard valets deliver an assortment of treats and refreshments. Kaz indulges in the snacks, while Torra comments that she enjoys her drink. Vranki declares that he is Hype's sponsor and proud of his "boy."
Yeager points out that they came for the racing. Captain Doza states they are simply seeking a friendly race and a chance to earn some credits while passing through the system. Vranki expresses his interest in friendly racing and gestures toward the window. Kaz and Torra rush to the viewport and observe three colorful racers navigating the asteroid field. The red racer crashes into an asteroid. Vranki laughs, causing Kaz and Torra discomfort.
Meanwhile, Neeku is captivated by a shiny hologame featuring a racer. Hype inquires about the stakes with Vranki. The Hutt admits that business has been slow but believes the Aces will attract a crowd and expresses his desire for Hype to return. He hopes to earn millions of credits from the casino. Hype tells Vranki that he no longer wishes to participate in his gambling schemes.
Vranki proposes a wager to Hype and his team. He welcomes them to race and earn money. If he wins, he gets his money. If he loses, Hype stays and races for him. Vranki warns Hype that the money he earns will belong to Vranki. Hype realizes that Vranki hasn't changed.
Captain Doza speaks to Hype privately, cautioning him that a Hutt cannot be trusted. While acknowledging their need for credits, he warns Hype that they cannot afford to lose him. Hype assures Captain Doza and Jarek Yeager that he can handle the course and that they will earn money and be on their way. Hype accepts Vranki's deal, and the Hutt bets 25,000 credits on Hype Fazon. He orders the race to begin. Griff, Freya, and Bo are also present.
Later, Hype aligns his racer, the Green Ace, in formation with one of Vranki's racers. TC-G3 explains that this is a direct one-on-one race, and the first racer to cross the final hoop wins. Kaz believes that Hype can handle a straight run. Gazing at the asteroid field through the window, Yeager points out that there is no such thing as a straight run in an asteroid field. As the other Aces watch, TC-G3 prepares Hype and his competitor, who is flying a white and blue racer.
The two racers ignite their engines. The competitor initially takes the lead, but Hype catches up and overtakes him, narrowly avoiding an asteroid. Hype's fellow Aces cheer, while Yeager and Captain Doza observe. Hype wonders about the identity of his competitor and vows not to let the racer outpace him. TC-G3 announces that the racers are entering the final phase of the race.
Approaching the final hoop, Hype powers up the Green Ace. However, the blue and white competitor reveals itself to be a racing droid that attaches to the Green Ace, immobilizing Hype and his racer. After slowing it down, it detaches from the Green Ace and accelerates toward the final hoop, defeating Hype. The Aces respond with dismay, while TC-G3 announces that Hype Fazon has lost the race and that "Team Vranki" wins. The Hutt boasts that he bet on the right racer.
In the casino lounge, Vranki's monkey-lizards entertain the despondent Griff, Bo, and Freya. Hype accuses Vranki of being a slimy cheat for not disclosing that he was racing a droid. However, the Hutt remains unmoved, stating that one must be prepared for anything because racing is a dangerous business and that his droids are very resilient. Hype insists that this is blatant cheating.
Captain Doza agrees with Hype and informs the Hutt that he will not get Hype. Vranki dismisses his concerns, asserting that a deal is a deal. Captain Doza declares that they will not abide by a cheater's rules and will leave immediately. Vranki responds that he wouldn't do that if he were them. A pair of burly Kowakian ape-lizards prevent Doza, Yeager, and Torra from leaving. Vranki laughs and informs them that they must play by his rules in his casino. He adds that his security hasn't had a good meal in a while. With limited options, Captain Doza says he has to do what he can to renegotiate.
Later, Kaz, Torra, and Hype find Neeku in the game room. Neeku advises against playing the games, as their algorithms have been altered to make winning impossible. Kaz notices that the game is modeled after the same racing course, while Hype asks Neeku if he believes that the droids in the hologames and the actual racers are connected. Neeku believes that the droids and hologames might share the same droid control core.
Hype asks Neeku if he can devise a method to hack into the system and defeat the cheaters. Neeku believes this is possible, as the hologames and racer droids appear to share similar logistical patterns. Kaz smiles.
Back in Vranki's throne room, Captain Doza refuses to wager the Colossus. Vranki suggests he could convert it into a casino. Just then, Kaz enters and tells Doza and Yeager that they need to get Hype back. He tells Vranki that this is not fair. The Hutt retorts that life is not fair and suggests raising the stakes. He proposes another wager: sending another one of their racers to compete against his droids. If they win, they get Hype back. If they lose, he keeps that racer and their ship.
Captain Doza rejects that wager, stating that he will not risk losing any more of his pilots. Kaz requests to speak with Doza privately for a moment. He whispers into Doza's ears. Vranki grows impatient and calls them back. Doza returns to the negotiations and tells Vranki that if they win, they get Hype back. But if the Hutt wins, he gets to keep the Ace and their ship in addition to Hype. Vranki thinks this is a great deal and orders the droid TC-G3 to start the preparations for the Voxx Vortex 5000.
Yeager thinks that the others have lost their minds. Captain Doza reassures Yeager that Kaz and Neeku have a plan that would even the odds. Yeager asks if he is sure about this. Captain Doza says he is not sure but that they have to get Hype back. He reaffirms his trust in the Aces.
Captain Doza speaks with his racers. Freya is pessimistic about their chances of success because the droid racers are fast and don't care if they get smashed by asteroids. Kaz says that Neeku can determine the algorithm of Vranki's racers and that he will be on the comm to guide them. Freya is incredulous that Kaz based this whole bet on Neeku's hunch that the droid racers and the hologram are the same. When Kaz nods his head, she says that they don't have anything in common because it is a hologame. Captain Doza reassures the Aces that he trusts them and Neeku and vows to get Hype back.
While Vranki smokes on a hooka pipe connected to the gorg nutrient jar, TC-G3 announces that the Voxx Vortex 5000 is about to commence. For the race, Freya will race against Team Vranki in her racer Red Ace without using any weapon. She says that the first racer to reach the finish line wins. While Yeager watches, Neeku hacks into Vranki's computer system.
After the TC-G3 announces the start of the race, Freya races against Vranki's racer droid through the asteroid field. Freya communicates with Neeku over the intercom. Neeku warns her that Vranki's droid is coming from her left blind spot. Freya vows not to be beaten by the droid racer. The droid racer rams Freya's racer and manages to take the lead. The droid racer beats Freya through the finish hoop.
Vranki is jubilant and asks Captain Doza if he wants try another. Bo Keevil flies out in the Yellow Ace against Vranki's racer. Vranki launches three magnetic mines. Monitoring his datapad, Neeku warns Keevil that Vranki has deployed magnetic mines on his starboard side. Keevil manages to escape the mines, which blow up an asteroid field but is beaten by the racer droid. TC-G3 announces another victory.
Captain Doza is angry that Vranki has broken the promise not to use weapons and asks what kind of race is this. Vranki replies that this is the fun kind and that anything can happen. Having lost three racers, he asks Captain Doza if he is willing to bet on the Colossus and its defense force.
The next racer is Griff Halloran, who flies in the Black Ace. During the race, Vranki's droid racer rams into his ship. Neeku advises Halloran to move 40 degrees port-side and to punch it. However, Vranki activates several hidden laser cannons inside the asteroids. Neeku warns Griff not to punch it because there are obstacles ahead. Griff laughs as the laser cannons pepper the space around the Black Ace. Griff avoids the laser bolts but is beaten by the racer droid to the finish line. The TC-G3 announces another victory for Team Vranki.
Torra says she has had enough and wants to be the next racer. Captain Doza refuses to let his daughter work for this "bloated sack of slime." Vranki is surprised that Torra is Doza's daughter. Kaz volunteers and says he wants to do a relay race as well, proposing that he and Torra race against Vranki and his droids. Vranki says this is tempting but not a sweet enough deal.
Torra proposes wagering the Colossus as collateral. Vranki is eager, but Captain Doza is opposed to the idea. Torra tells her father that even if they win, the platform is defenseless and they are not going to last out there. She says they have no choice. Doza agrees but says that they only throw in the Colossus. He also tells Vranki to throw in an additional 500,000 credits to match the wager and makes Vranki promise to return all his Aces. Believing that he is winning, Vranki gambles and accepts the steep wager. Doza tells his daughter that he trusts her and Kaz to do this.
Later in the game room, Neeku tells Kaz and Torra that this is the most complex game he has ever played. Kaz tells Neeku that this is not a game and warns that if they lose this next one, they lose for good.
As Torra and Kaz line up their racers Blue Ace and Fireball at the start line, TC-G3 announces the race. Neeku tells Torra to stay above the droid racer because its flight path is erratic. She responds that no droid pilot is as good as the real one. TC-G3 is alarmed that Team Vranki can't keep up with Torra Doza. The droid ship activates weapons.
Neeku warns Torra in the game room. He is being watched by two Kowakian monkey lizards. The droid racer pursues the Blue Ace. Captain Doza reminds Vranki that he promised no weapons and demands that he shut it down. Vranki laughs and says that it is too late for that now. Blue Ace is soon hit by laser fire, causing R23-X9 to beep in alarm. Torra screams no and says she is hit.
The droid racer streams through the hoop. Xiono says this was a cheap shot and encourages Torra. She tells him that he has got this and tells him to go. Neeku warns Kaz that multiple energy sources are closing on the Fireball. One of the magnetic mines explodes but two pursue Xiono's racer. Xiono manages to fly through two colliding asteroids. The magnetic mines collide with the asteroids.
Neeku tells Kaz to stay on that course but the Kowakian monkey-lizards grab the datapad and attack him. TG-C3 says that Kaz is attempting to take the lead and quips that she will blow her servomotor if it gets too exciting. The droid racer launches rear blasters. Kaz calls Neeku for help but the Nikto is preoccupied with the monkey-lizards.
As Kaz approaches the finish hoop, he dodges laser cannons. Vranki is upset that things are going offcourse. Hype retorts that anything can happen. TG-C3 announces that both racers are neck in neck. Vranki then activates two hidden laser cannons in the finishing hoop. Kaz is forced to dodge the laser cannons while Neeku struggles against the monkey-lizards.
Kaz manages to catch up with the droid racer and position his ship below it. The droid racer tries to trap Kaz but Kaz decides to use the droid ship as a shield against the laser cannons. Neeku manages to deactivate the finish hoop's laser cannon. Kaz thanks Neeku and accelerates ahead, racing through the finish hoop. TG-C3 is shocked while Captain Doza and Yeager are jubilant. Vranki buries his face in defeat. Hype playfully smacks Vranki and cheers.
Following the race, Captain Doza thanks Kaz and Torra for their efforts. Torra thanks her dad and says it was pretty close but they pulled it off. Kaz adds with a little help. Neeku struggles against the Kowakian monkey-lizards. Honoring their agreement, Vranki tells Captain Doza to take his Aces and the money he had had wagered. Kowakian monkey-lizards carry out a box of credits.
The Kowakian ape-lizards make way for the Aces and the Colossus residents. A humbled Vranki invites the Aces to race for him in return for a life of luxury. Hype rejects his offer and says that he would rather take his chances out there, adding that it was a "pleasure" doing business with him. Vranki pleads with Hype but the Aces are having none of it.
Captain Doza thanks the Aces and tells 4D-M1N to prep the Colossus, telling her that it is time to get away from this horrible casino. Neeku pleads with his friends to wait for him because he is getting too attached to his new friends. An alien gambler laughs in the background.