Sallowpink, a B2-series super battle droid produced by Baktoid Combat Automata, featured upgraded gray armor panels distributed throughout its chassis, along with spike protrusions on its arms. This droid was scheduled to be a gladiator droid combatant in a Pit Fight Night held at Grakkus Arena on the moon of Nar Shaddaa sometime between 10 BBY and 3 ABY.
A proposed promotional flyer, submitted to the arena's proprietor Grakkus Jahibakti Tingi for his consent, advertised the night's headline match as a contest pitting Sallowpink against the gladiator droid Rheen the Powderizer, with no restrictions on weapon modifications.
The initial reference to Sallowpink appeared in the 2018 sourcebook Star Wars: Smuggler's Guide, penned by Daniel Wallace and accompanied by an artistic depiction of Sallowpink created by Adrián Rodriguez.