A droid bounty hunter was active during the Galactic Empire's era. This bounty hunter was a monster droid constructed using the body of a B2-series super battle droid combined with the head of a BX-series droid commando. This particular droid was among several hunters of bounties that the Empire employed to locate the renegade archaeologist Doctor Chelli Aphra on the planet Arbiflux. Ultimately, it met its end at the hands of fellow hunter Krrsantan, who needed Aphra alive to settle a debt.
In the year 3 ABY, the Galactic Empire engaged the services of this bounty hunter with the objective of apprehending the rogue archaeologist Doctor Chelli Aphra and her young charge, Vulaada Klam. Given that a prior Imperial system cell tasked with tracking Aphra had been eliminated by the Rebel Alliance, the Empire opted to dispatch the bounty hunters in advance of their own military forces. The droid, along with a Herglic bounty hunter and the Wookiee Krrsantan, successfully tracked Aphra to the planet of Arbiflux, where she and Klam were seeking refuge in the house that once belonged to Aphra's mother.

As the hunters of the bounty neared the dwelling, Aphra was awakened by an incoming transmission from General Airen Cracken of the Rebel Alliance, who alerted her to the fact that the Empire had discovered her location. Aphra and Klam attempted an escape, engaging in a firefight with the droid hunter. Aphra deployed Klam's qaberworm, Gurtyl, to launch an assault on the hunters, hoping to utilize the creature as a means of diversion. However, Krrsantan's intention was to settle a debt with Aphra, necessitating that she remain alive to fulfill her financial obligations. Consequently, the Wookiee turned on the other bounty hunters, killing the Herglic and obliterating the droid.
This droid bounty hunter was classified as a monster droid, assembled from the body of a B2-series super battle droid and the head of a BX-series droid commando. The droid's torso bore evidence of prior damage, manifested as several perforations. Given that the droid's chassis was derived from a B2 super battle droid, it possessed an integrated blaster located within at least one of its wrists.
The droid bounty hunter made its debut in the comic Doctor Aphra (2016) 34, penned by Simon Spurrier, with illustrations by Wilton Santos, Cris Bolson, and Andrea Broccardo, and published under the Marvel Comics banner on July 17, 2019.