Whorm Loathsom's army

Whorm Loathsom's military force was a battle droid army that was under the command of General Whorm Loathsom in the concluding stages of the Battle of Christophsis. Even though Loathsom had been in command of numerous droid armies during the battle, this particular force showed up on Christophsis at a later point. Ultimately, the Galactic Republic brought about the army's downfall.


Loathsom's military force was composed of Single Trooper Aerial Platforms, NR-N99 Persuader-class droid enforcers, Octuptarra tri-droids, and Armored Assault Tanks. It also utilized a range of battle droid models, such as B1-series battle droids, B2-series super battle droids, LR-57 combat/retail droids, DSD1 dwarf spider droids, and a minimum of one droideka.

