I, Droid

title: I, Droid

"I, Droid" is a narrative originating from the pages of The Legends of Luke Skywalker—The Manga. This story was both penned and illustrated by Haruichi, with its publication occurring on January 14, 2020 through Viz Media's publishing efforts.

Plot summary


The main character identifies himself as Zeta, a construction droid of the Z7 series, built to perform heavy-duty work on planets undergoing development. Zeta remembers enduring diverse environments like perpetually frozen landscapes, jungles, swamps, and deserts. During the construction of a new settlement on the Cro-Akon tundra, her existence was "shattered" by intense winds, light, and cables. Upon regaining consciousness, the droid discovered she was aboard a slave transport en route to a space station known as Gem.

U'rum, the captain of the slave vessel, meets with Lord Kluleyeke and Lady Eekee. Kluleyeke is eager to inspect U'rum's collection of enslaved droids. Aside from Zeta, another captive is a small white, silver and blue astromech droid that had successfully severed its restraining bolts. Lord Kluleyeke cautions the captain that R2 series droids are notorious for after-market enhancements and concealed tools. Nevertheless, he believes the droid can be effectively used to sort through crushed ore until the acid dissolves all its appendages. As R2-D2 emits distressed sounds, Zeta is horrified by the prospect of droids being compelled to work until they disintegrate.

Security enforcer

Zeta and the other enslaved droids are brought into the factory where Lord Kluleyeke forces them to mine for rare gemstones in the harsh mines of "The Deep." Inside the factory, the droids are modified with new limbs and appendages suited for mining. Zeta does not undergo a memory wipe but instead receives an override chip. Subsequently, the droids are transported to the hostile planet, which is plagued by thunderstorms. An RA-7 protocol droid laments that they are doomed since they cannot survive on that planet. R2-D2 attempts to uplift his spirits, but he is not in the mood to sing.

On the Deep, Zeta has been reprogrammed via the override chip to function as a security droid responsible for enforcing regulations and suppressing uprisings. The override chip compels her to behave violently and uncontrollably. The droids toil relentlessly to extract and process tear opals. Droids that sustain damage and are no longer functional are disintegrated. The only droid that Zeta cannot bring into submission is the white, silver, and blue astromech droid, who steadfastly maintains hope of being rescued.

The false droid

Some days later, Zeta is summoned by Lord Kluleyeke, who is pleased with her performance as an enforcer droid. He assigns her the task of managing the new shipment. Zeta feels sympathy for the incoming droids, knowing the fate that awaits them below. One of the new protocol droids appears to have volunteered. Lady Eekee notices that his plates are loose and slightly deformed. The droid asserts proficiency in six million forms of communication and exceptional musical talent. When questioned by Lord Kluleyeke, Zeta believes that the droid's cognitive functions are more sophisticated than he implies. Given the protocol droid's voluntary status, Eekee, Kluleyeke, and Captain U'rum decide to dispatch him to the mines.

Deep below, Zeta violently assaults a droid, demanding it to hurry. She directs the new protocol droid to proceed to the sifting line, warning that he must select one hundred grams of tear opals or face assignment to the tunnels for ore excavation. The protocol droid manages to converse with the other droids, including the astromech droid, whom he addresses as R2-D2 and apologizes for his delayed arrival. Zeta notices the two droids conversing and confronts the protocol droid. However, the droid swiftly evades danger and brandishes a lightsaber.

Zeta questions whether the droid is human but remains doubtful since no human could endure the Deep. Driven by her override code, Zeta condemns the rebellion and pledges to suppress it. Nevertheless, the protocol droid evades harm. Zeta seizes him and throws him to the ground. While striking the protocol droid, she realizes that the droid is actually Luke Skywalker in disguise. She notices the man has a metal hand and marvels that this man is fearless in such a hellish place. She wonders whether he is a droid or man.

Droid rebellion

Skywalker informs the enslaved droids that they must collaborate and that this is their final opportunity for freedom. The enslaved droids, including R2-D2, rebel and cease working. Under the influence of her override code, Zeta attempts to quell the droid uprising and attacks Skywalker. Struggling to resist the override code, Zeta implores Skywalker to destroy her while he has the chance. Skywalker instructs R2-D2 to provide him with his lightsaber. Skywalker cuts himself free of her claw arm. A pit droid pushes a boulder suspended from a crane into Zeta, knocking her to the ground. Believing that there is still good in zeta, Skywalker enlists R2-D2's help in cutting out her override chip. Skywalker succeeds in removing the override chip before additional security droids arrive, including a repurposed B2-series super battle droid.

Skywalker cuts down the B2 super battle droid. Before he can finish him off, Zeta convinces Skywalker to spare the battle droid since there is still good in him. She informs Skywalker that the override chip contains a vulnerability and that a single logic gate can be flipped to disable the whole chip. However, she warns that it will be difficult even for droids to do so. However, Skywalker is not undaunted and uses the Force to close the parity gates and to flip the few dozen logic gates scattered across trillions of gates in enforces across the deep; effectively liberating the security droids from their override chips.

The newly freed droids imprison their sentient slave masters within the cells in the gem. Lord Kluleyeke, Lady Eekee, and Captain U'rum are brought before Skywalker. Kluleyeke denounces the "pesky" human for orchestrating a droid rebellion and vows vengeance against Zeta. However, R2-D2 squirts a liquid at him. Skywalker explains that R2-D2 was instructing him to be silent. He informs Kluleyeke that they will be delivering him to the authorities for trial. He adds that Zeta could provide testimony as a witness.

Showing compassion for Zeta, Skywalker requests her to guide him to the infirmary. There, he repairs the droid and equips her with arms and hands. Zeta expresses her gratitude. Skywalker says this is his amends for breaking them. Skywalker assures the droids that he will facilitate their return to their respective homes. While conversing with R2-D2, Skywalker mentions that C-3PO was upset with him. Observing the two interacting as friends, Zeta is amazed by the camaraderie between Skywalker and his astromech droid. Reflecting on Skywalker's role in liberating the forgotten droid slaves, Zeta concludes that Skywalker is not only a great man but at least partly a great droid.


While The Legends of Luke Skywalker depicts Luke Skywalker wielding the Skywalker lightsaber during the events of this story, "I, Droid" erroneously portrays him using his green lightsaber.
