Mountain Clan Matron

A Force-attuned, human woman held the position of Matron for the Mountain Clan, a group of Dathomiri witches. This clan was active in the mountainous regions of the world Dathomir during the Clone Wars era. This individual, who was Force-sensitive and human and female, took in the orphaned Nightsister Morgan Elsbeth for a short time after the massacre of the Nightsisters which was committed by General Grievous. She belonged to the Mountain Clan, which is a clan of Dathomiri witches. They lived in the mountains on the planet Dathomir during the Clone Wars. She was Nali's mother.

Powers and abilities

The Matron of the Mountain Clan possessed the ability to use a type of white energy for teleportation and to generate protective barriers around herself. She could also unleash shockwaves powerful enough to destroy the droids belonging to the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Furthermore, she had the power of Force vision, enabling her to foresee Morgan Elsbeth's destiny, which caused her to feel sympathy for the Nightsister's impending experiences.

