
A male human named Markona held the position of Thane for Clan Markona, a secluded group residing on the moon called Hubin. He encountered Leia Organa, Luke Skywalker, and Han Solo of the rebels after their ship crashed on Hubin. He extended hospitality to the rebels, which he maintained until the Galactic Empire's SCAR Squadron arrived on Hubin, hunting the fugitives. Pretending to assist the Imperials in their search, Markona ultimately chose a side, sacrificing himself so his clan could escape and join the Rebel Alliance.


Clan life

Hubin, the home of Thane Markona

Born on Hubin, a moon situated within the Dene Gois Cluster, Markona was the offspring of a former Jedi and a roguish stranger with whom she had fallen in love. His parents imparted all their knowledge to him, even things his mother wished her husband hadn't shared. He lived through the conclusion of the Clone Wars, witnessing the Galactic Republic's transformation into the Galactic Empire via the transition. Following his parents' death and burial in the family plot near their mansion, Markona departed Hubin and established a mercenary company.

During his time as a mercenary, he crossed paths with a field technician who eventually became his wife, and they had a daughter named Tula. Upon his wife's passing, she left Markona a message in her will, urging him to secure a better future for Tula and all of Clan Markona. As the clan members aged, they collectively decided to retire, undertaking one final mission for the Empire, which involved gathering data from a secure location. Successfully completing the mission granted them the right to claim Hubin as their private property, with Markona serving as their Thane. The clan transitioned into an isolated community, permitted by the Empire to remain on Hubin as long as they remitted a small portion of their earnings. However, after learning what the Death Star had done, he started to feel remorse for the assistance he had provided to the Empire.

Meeting the rebels

Thane Markona charges at the thanrax

Around 2 ABY, Leia Organa, Luke Skywalker, and Han Solo crash-landed on Hubin in the escape pod of Sana Starros' ship, the Volt Cobra, while trying to escape the Empire, Markona intervened by scaring away a thanrax that was pursuing them. Confronting the leaders of the Rebel Alliance, he questioned their presence on Hubin and subsequently escorted them back to the mansion. Markona entrusted the rebels to the care of his butler droid, MK-1, while he and his trackers fended off a pack of thanrax that had migrated into the area. The following day, Markona returned and formally introduced himself to the rebels. They convened inside the mansion shortly thereafter, engaging in conversation over lunch. Markona shared insights into life on Hubin, informing them that, aside from infrequent trader arrivals, there was no means of leaving the moon, but they were welcome to his hospitality. After discovering their identities, he resolved to assess them to gauge the nature of the Rebellion.

Later, Markona observed Luke conversing with Tula, who was on the verge of revealing the reason for their residence on Hubin. He interrupted, expressing his desire to personally share that information with Luke. He apologized for interrupting and embarrassing Tula, acknowledging the challenges of his role as a father. Upon learning that Luke believed his father had perished during the Clone Wars, Markona led him to the family plot where his wife and parents were buried. Markona's reluctance to specify his previous occupation aroused Luke's suspicion, but as Luke attempted to inquire further, MK-1 arrived to inform Markona of an impending thanrax attack.

He and Luke hurried to assist, discovering that several thanrax were approaching a farmhouse. Luke inquired whether blasters would be effective against the creatures, but Markona extended the blades concealed on his arms and charged forward to confront the thanrax. Noticing Luke's lightsaber, Markona asked if he knew how to use it. As one thanrax seized a farmer, Markona killed it, saving the man. He and Luke continued to battle the creatures, but one managed to escape, and Luke pursued it. When the remaining thanrax fled the village, Markona returned, instructing two of his men to contain the creatures while he prepared to pursue them. He expressed gratitude to Luke for his assistance but remarked that his lightsaber skills could use improvement. Once the thanrax had been dealt with, Markona engaged in a duel with Luke to provide him with practice. Subsequently, Luke resumed working on a transmitter he had been constructing, and was discovered by MK-1. Markona was aware of Luke's intentions and instructed the butler droid to assist him in order to ascertain whether he would activate it. When Luke did, Markona blocked the signal, preventing it from harming his clan.

Arrival of the Empire

Markona begins the duel between Skywalker and Kreel

After Tula realized that the rebels were willing to take risks to leave Hubin, Markona talked to her, telling her to be ready to prepare for their plans. During dinner that evening, Markona revealed his awareness of the transmitter. As he was speaking, Emkay-One interrupted him, informing him that an unidentified ship had landed in the village. Markona departed, donning his armor to meet with the Sentinel-class landing craft. He welcomed the shuttle's passengers, who identified themselves as SCAR Squadron, dispatched by the Empire to apprehend the rebels.

Markona escorted the squadron back to his estate, where Sergeant Kreel demanded that the rebel guests be handed over to him. Markona feigned ignorance, pretending to be unfamiliar with the names Kreel mentioned, but Kreel assured him that the rebel presence was known, presenting Sana Starros, who had been captured and interrogated after allowing the rebels to escape to Hubin. When Kreel threatened to kill Starros if the rebels continued to hide, Organa, Solo, and Skywalker emerged from the mansion, aiming their blasters at the stormtroopers. However, Tula stunned Leia and Han to prevent a shootout. Kreel prepared to depart with the rebels, but Markona intervened, requesting that they adhere to the martial code of Hubin and resolve the matter through trial by combat. Both Kreel and Luke agreed and prepared to duel while Markona observed.

Forsaking the past

Markona's last stand

Before the duel could begin, Tula discreetly instructed Luke to flee to the estate's graveyard, providing him with a smoke grenade. Markona called his daughter back before starting the duel. Kreel engaged Luke in combat, who defended himself with his lightsaber. Shortly after the duel commenced, Luke deployed the smoke grenade and fled into the forest. Markona asserted that Luke had violated the clan's martial code, declaring that he was no longer obligated to extend hospitality to the rebels. He led the stormtroopers away, allowing Tula to stun the guard, waking Organa and Solo with stim packs.

Markona separated from SCAR Squadron and located Luke at the graveyard, revealing that he had deceived Kreel and the stormtroopers. He explained to Luke his regret for serving the Empire, urging him to return to the village while he held back the stormtroopers. Luke refused to leave him alone, but Markona insisted, stating that it would be futile for both of them to perish there. Luke thanked him and fled, but he was spotted by Kreel and SCAR Squadron, who had arrived in the graveyard. Markona turned to confront the stormtroopers, drawing a pair of blaster pistols. As he fought off the stormtroopers, Clan Markona evacuated their village, boarding SCAR Squadron's shuttle. Kreel managed to wound Markona in the shoulder, causing him to fall. Markona complimented the sergeant's aim before remarking that he believed Luke could have won the duel. He lunged at the stormtroopers, who unleashed a barrage of blaster rifles upon him. Markona was struck multiple times in the chest, collapsing dead onto the ground.


Markona's sacrifice enabled the remainder of his clan, led by Tula, to depart Hubin aboard the Imperial shuttle. Witnessing the rebels and their resolve, he resolved to have Clan Markona join the Rebellion to atone for the actions he felt guilty about.

Tula led Clan Markona on Novka, where they assisted the rebels and Starros in retrieving the Volt Cobra. Combat against the stormtroopers on Novka distracted her from her father's death, but she had to confront it upon reuniting with the rebels on Brentaal IV. She and her clan parted ways with the rebels, who provided her with the location of Hera Syndulla's Geist. Tula had no desire to see Luke again due to being reminded of her father's death, but told him not to feel responsible for it.

Personality and traits

Markona stayed behind to let the rebels and his clan survive

Despite his intimidating appearance in armor, Markona extended hospitality to the Rebel Alliance fugitives who crashed on Hubin, allowing them to reside in his mansion and entrusting them to the care of his butler droid, MK-1. Nevertheless, he was not opposed to the Galactic Empire, displaying the same level of hospitality towards SCAR Squadron, permitting them on Hubin. He did not immediately betray the rebels, attempting to feign ignorance to protect them. However, the reception he showed them was a facade, as he had already resolved to side with the rebels. He sacrificed his life, both to facilitate the rebels' escape and to enable Tula to lead Clan Markona in leaving Hubin and joining the Rebellion.

Like the rest of his clan, Markona cherished the simple life he led on Hubin and was protective of the community. He favored honorable combat, insisting that others adhere to his clan's martial code, and even issuing warnings to monstrous creatures like thanrax before attacking them. While he was unwilling to disclose his entire past, Markona regretted the assistance he had provided to the Empire, turning to the Rebel Alliance to compensate for it. Markona had long black hair, gray eyes, and tanned skin, though he often wore a helmet that concealed his face.

Skills and abilities

Markona was a skilled fighter, having received extensive training from his parents. He successfully defeated thanrax, often having to do so while living on Hubin. He also possessed some knowledge of lightsaber combat and was able to assist Luke Skywalker in practicing with his own. He defended himself against the elite stormtroopers of SCAR Squadron for a period, but was ultimately shot down by Sergeant Kreel.


Markona in his armor

Markona wore a suit of armor, complete with a helmet and cape. His armor featured intense lights attached to his shoulders, which he could use to frighten animals. He fought using vibroblades that were attached to gauntlets on his arms, and could be retracted and hidden when not in use. The gauntlets were also capable of generating a small shield that was resilient enough to withstand a lightsaber attack. He also carried a pair of blaster pistols which he used for ranged combat. After Markona's death, his daughter Tula wore a similar set of armor.

Behind the scenes

Thane Markona made his debut in the 2018 canon comic Star Wars (2015) 56, penned by Kieron Gillen and illustrated by Andrea Broccardo. His name was subsequently revealed in Star Wars (2015) 57, also authored by Gillen.

