Star Wars (2015) 57

title: "Star Wars 57"

The fifty-seventh installment of the Star Wars comic book series is Star Wars 57. Kieron Gillen penned the story, Angel Unzueta provided the illustrations, and Marvel Comics released it on November 21, 2018.

Publisher's summary

"THE ESCAPE" – PART 2 The horror of this strange planet. The horror! Shirtless HAN SOLO, chopping wood.

Plot summary

Guests of the Markonas

Han Solo, Luke Skywalker, together with Princess Leia Organa, are enjoying refreshments on the moon Hubin, awaiting an audience with their host. MK-1, the butler droid, informs them that their host will arrive shortly. Their host then makes an entrance, revealing himself as Thane Markona. Markona offers his apologies for his tardiness, explaining that he and his trackers were occupied with a thanrax pack. After excusing himself to freshen up, Markona invites them to meet him in the ballroom in one hour.

Later on, Han inquires about what Leia hopes to gain from Markona. Skywalker suggests they remain put, but Princess Leia insists on formulating a plan in case the Empire appears on Hubin. Skywalker voices his distrust of Markona, to which Solo retorts that he's content with an "untrustworthy" fellow who has a butler droid that serves drinks to his liking. R2-D2 and a legless C-3PO are also in attendance with MK-1.

Soon, Thane Markona joins the group, suggesting they use first names, reasoning that less information means less to reveal in an "unfortunate circumstance." Markona notices C-3PO's continued attachment to R2-D2. MK-1 clarifies that he attempted to detach C-3PO, but R2-D2 is very protective. Markona pledges to find spare parts for C-3PO, considering droids valued members of his household. Markona extends his hospitality, offering bar clothes, shelter, supplies, and parts for C-3PO.

Leia then asks about leaving the planet, but Markona declares it impossible. Skywalker accuses him of holding them captive, but Markona clarifies that they lack transports or a transmitter. He mentions that a trader visits Hubin every six months. When Solo inquires about the colony's defenses, Markona explains that the Empire leaves them alone and that they are not afraid of raiders.

When Skywalker asks about the next trader's arrival, Tula Markona, Markona's daughter, interjects that they aren't expecting the next trader for another five months. Markona introduces his daughter to the guests. Tula leads the guests into the dining hall, a task usually performed by MK-1. In the dining room, Leia admits her surprise at finding an isolationist hermit living in a mansion. Markona responds that self-sufficiency doesn't equate to poverty and that his family is wealthy.

Skywalker asks why the Empire leaves them alone. Markona replies that he pays tithes to the Empire and that Hubin holds little value to them. He reveals that he earned the rights to this moon during his previous career. When Skywalker inquires whether this was in service to the Galactic Empire or the Galactic Republic, Markona states that he served both and reiterates that they are welcome to stay as long as they desire. Markona views Hubin as a refuge from the galaxy's troubles. His people dedicate their time to defending against the thanrax and nurturing their crops and children.

Meeting the locals

Tula introduces the rebels, including Han, who is drawn to her, to the rest of Clan Markona, a group not bound by blood. While touring the commune, Tula asks Han and Luke if the Death Star was real. Skywalker confirms its existence but states that rebel fighters destroyed it. Tula expresses her sympathy for the rebels.

While observing two local men boxing, Solo comments that it seems harsh for a peaceful life. Tula explains that Clan Markona has a martial code and history. While Tula shows Luke around, Solo visits a local tavern only to learn that the bartender doesn't accept credits and that community members must work to access food and services. Solo asks how he can earn a beer.

Skywalker, admiring the moon's lush environment, asks if it was her father's idea to settle on Hubin. Before Tula can respond, Markona interrupts, stating that it is his story to tell before leading Luke away. While walking with Luke, Markona apologizes for his abruptness and says that it his father's duty. When he asks Skywalker about his father, Skywalker replies that he never knew him because he died during the Clone Wars.

Leia discovers a shirtless Solo chopping wood. Solo admits missing Chewbacca and jokes that the work has earned him a couple of meals, inviting Leia to join him. Markona shows Skywalker his family's burial ground, where his parents and wife are buried. Markona expresses his desire to be buried with his family. When Skywalker asks about his past, Markona reveals that he was once a fighter.

The thanrax incursion

Just then, MK-1 alerts Thane Markona to a thanrax pack attacking the fringe houses from the north. Markona instructs the butler droid to gather the hunters and asks for Luke's assistance. When Skywalker asks why he resides here, Markona explains that he grew up on Hubin, adding that he wasn't given charge of a world that anyone else would want. He says that his services were considerable but not that considerable.

Skywalker replies that Markona being coy about his past doesn't endear trust. Markona agrees to discuss his past after they've dealt with the thanrax pack. The two encounter locals fighting an advancing thanrax with a pitchfork. Despite being outnumbered, Markona decides to confront the thanrax pack. Hesitant to reveal his Jedi abilities, Skywalker suggests using blasters or traps to scare the beasts. Markona disagrees and brandishes a pair of vibroblades.



