During the New Republic Era, Luke Skywalker, a Jedi Master, was training a new generation of Jedi at the Jedi temple. Within the temple grounds, Padawan Ben Solo, Skywalker's nephew, occupied a simple hut. This dwelling was ultimately destroyed in 28 ABY during a fateful confrontation between the two [Skywalkers](/article/skywalker_family], an event that triggered the destruction of the Jedi Temple.

The simple hut of Ben Solo, constructed from wood and stone, was situated on the grounds of the Jedi Temple of Luke Skywalker on Ossus. Inside, near Solo's bed, rested a table holding Ben Solo's calligraphy set, which included pens, a perforated box for pen storage, and parchment scrolls inscribed with Jedi wisdom. A curtain served as the entrance to the hut, and its design mirrored that of other huts nearby.

As Padawan under his uncle, Jedi Master Luke Skywalker, Ben Solo used this hut as his personal space while undergoing Jedi training. Skywalker sought to re-establish the Jedi Order by instructing a new group of Force-sensitive individuals in the ways of the Force. By 28 ABY, Solo, then twenty-three standard years old, still resided in the hut, grappling with the internal conflict between the light and the allure of the dark side. Growing concerned about the dark side's growing influence over his nephew, Skywalker entered Solo's hut while he slept. Using the Force, he peered into Solo's mind and foresaw Solo's potential to destroy everything Skywalker held dear. Believing this vision to be inevitable, and aware of Solo's potential as a member of the Skywalker bloodline, Skywalker instinctively ignited his lightsaber with the intent to strike Solo down, only to hesitate, realizing he could not kill the son of his twin sister, Princess Leia Organa.

Despite feeling remorse for even considering the act, Skywalker's actions were perceived as an unforgivable betrayal by Solo, who awoke startled to find his master standing over him in the night, armed with a lightsaber. Sensing danger through the Force, and despite seeing regret on Skywalker's face, Solo believed his uncle had crossed a line from which there was no return. In desperation, Solo summoned his own lightsaber, which had been resting near his calligraphy set, and attempted to block what he perceived as a fatal strike from his master.
Capitalizing on the brief pause created by their clashing blades, Solo used telekinesis to collapse the ceiling, causing stones to fall upon his uncle. Solo emerged first from the wreckage of his hut, consumed by rage, and inadvertently created a powerful lightning storm over the temple, leading to its destruction and the deaths of the apprentices within. Skywalker survived as well, but by the time he emerged from the ruins of Solo's hut, Solo had vanished, and the temple was engulfed in flames.