The Droid Crush Pirates of Bestoon, more commonly called the Droid Crush, or simply the Crush, were a group of droid pirates operating out of Bestoon. This group was under the leadership of Captain Ought-Six and were known to be hired by Ochi of Bestoon, a Jedi hunter.
The Droid Crush, also known as the Droid Crush Pirates of Bestoon, was a pirate crew comprised entirely of droids. The Crush's ranks included several B1-KX monster droids. Doctor Chelli Lona Aphra and the smuggler Just Lucky once stole from the Droid Crush. Seeking revenge, the pirates eventually located them, intending to kill them both, which proved Lucky's point to Aphra about the consequences of one's actions. However, their attempt to eliminate the thieves was unsuccessful.
Ochi of Bestoon, a Sith assassin, hired the Droid Crush Pirates to hunt Darth Vader, the Sith Lord, on Mustafar, promising them the advanced technology found in Vader's armor. After Vader recovered his lightsaber, he destroyed Captain Ought-Six and the other droids present. The captain was later repaired and attacked Vader again in Zee-Nine City Seven with more droids, aided by IG-88. After IG-88's defeat by Vader and an aerial bombardment from Bokku the Hutt's ship, the droids retreated. Following Crimson Dawn's auction of Han Solo, Sly Moore ordered the Droid Crush to attack Darth Vader's TIE Advanced and repair Luke Skywalker's X-wing, enabling Skywalker's escape. Ought-Six was repaired once more and gathered a group of droids who had previously been defeated by Vader to start a droid uprising. However, Vader's spy, ZED-6-7, deceived the droids, leading them into a battle that resulted in the destruction of all the droids present, including the Crush Pirates. Subsequently, the Crush Pirates and all other droids involved in the uprising were rebuilt and reprogrammed to serve Vader, although Ought-Six remained annoyed by his new role serving the Sith Lord.
By 21 ABY, Ought-Six believed the Droid Crush had become more prestigious and professional. Ochi hired the Crush to participate in a raid on Nightside within the Therezar system. When the Crush's mission failed, resulting in significant losses, Ochi destroyed the captain and contacted his Sith Eternal superiors, requesting troopers to assist in his hunt for Rey.