Between the years 3 ABY and 4 ABY, Darth Vader, the Sith Lord, engaged in a conflict against a droid rebellion. This rebellion involved a substantial force of droids, brought together by the Droid Crush Pirates of Bestoon. These droids sought to ambush the Sith Lord on the planet Ringo Vinda, with the intention to kill him as retribution for the numerous times he had eliminated droids throughout his history. However, unbeknownst to the droid army, a forensics droid named ZED-6-7 was secretly still loyal to Vader. This droid manipulated the others, leading them directly into a confrontation with Vader, resulting in their complete destruction. The exceptions were droids like Arex, who was turned against the droid forces, and the assassin droids 0-0-0 and BT-1. The assassin droids chose to support who they believed would be the victor, attacking their former allies before eventually fleeing. Following the battle, Vader ordered the remaining droids to be reconstructed, and they subsequently became his followers.