The Galactic Constitution, which is also known as the Republic Constitution, or the Republic's Constitution, served as the governing document for the Galactic Republic. Sistros Nevet, a lawmaker from ancient times, played a role in creating this foundational document. During the Clone Wars, which pitted the Republic against the Confederacy of Independent Systems, the Republic's Supreme Chancellor, Sheev Palpatine, progressively altered the Galactic Constitution, citing the necessities of wartime as justification. Among these alterations were four new amendments, including the Reflex Amendment. The Sector Governance Decree was another amendment, ratified near the conclusion of the Clone Wars.
These modifications caused members of his own Loyalist Committee to doubt his integrity, which led to the formation of both the Delegation of 2,000 and the Petition of 2,000. Their concerns were ultimately validated when Palpatine, secretly a Sith Lord, transformed the Republic into the Galactic Empire, over which he personally presided.
According to the Galactic Constitution, all sentients possessed equal status. Furthermore, it prohibited slavery and compulsory servitude, while ensuring safeguards against suffering. Advocates for droid rights cited the Galactic Constitution to support their argument that droids should receive the same entitlements and protections afforded to organics.