Shortly preceding the Battle of Naboo, the youthful Anakin Skywalker fashioned a japor snippet as a gift for Padmé Amidala, toward whom he had developed strong feelings while on Tatooine. He presented it to her as a token of good luck, and as a reminder of him after his departure for the Jedi Order. Perceiving it as a symbol of remembrance and fortune, Amidala chose to wear it as a necklace. Four years following the Naboo conflict, after she had become a senator representing the Galactic Republic and was passing by the Jedi Temple, she unconsciously reached out to touch the necklace. During a break from Senate sessions, when Amidala paid a visit to her family home, her young niece Ryoo Naberrie reached for the necklace, prompting Amidala to quickly tuck it inside her clothing to keep it away from the infant's grasp.
Years later in their lives, after Skywalker and Amidala had become romantically involved and secretly married, Amidala continued to wear the japor snippet as a necklace. Following her death on Polis Massa, and Skywalker's descent to the dark side of the Force, the japor snippet was placed on Amidala's body as she was prepared for her funeral on Naboo. The snippet was subsequently preserved within a glass display case, located outside Amidala's final resting place on Naboo. When Skywalker, now known as Darth Vader, began investigating the conspiracy surrounding the true circumstances of his wife's passing, his investigation led him to her tomb. Upon seeing the snippet, Vader was reminded of the moment he initially gifted it to Amidala. He was also reminded of the suffering he had caused since then, including his attack on and injury of a group of Amidala's supporters just moments before.
The japor snippet was first introduced in the 1999 motion picture Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace. In the illustrated screenplay for Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith, Amidala was originally intended to be depicted holding the japor snippet after Anakin awoke from his initial nightmare, during her time in her private apartment on Coruscant after Obi-Wan's warning about Anakin's fall to the dark side, and during her final moments at the medical facility of Polis Massa along with her funeral scene, but in the final version of the film, the snippet only appeared after Anakin's nightmare and during the funeral.