Ralsius Paldora, often referred to as simply Paldora, was a male human. He previously held the position of specialist within the ranks of the Galactic Empire, before he chose to desert his post.
A former specialist for the Galactic Empire, Ralsius Paldora eventually abandoned his service, successfully avoiding capture by Imperial authorities. After deserting, Paldora traveled to the planet of Takodana. There, in exchange for being granted safe passage off-world and receiving asylum, he supplied Han Solo with data cubes. One cube, intended for the New Republic, contained information regarding Imperial shipping lanes, refueling stations, and concealed weapon caches. The other cube possessed the necessary information for Solo to access the planet Kashyyyk during his efforts to liberate the Wookiee homeworld.
Paldora claimed that the majority of this information originated from an Imperial officer named Rax. Following a short skirmish with Imperial forces, the smuggler successfully extracted Paldora from the planet.
A male human, Paldora exhibited a fondness for Merenzane Gold. He was known for his upbeat and cheerful demeanor. Although he often appeared to lack sound judgment, he possessed a surprising knowledge of statistics. He informed Han Solo that Stormtroopers achieved approximately 77% accuracy with their blaster fire, and that YT-1300 light freighter-class hyperdrives experienced failures 1.22 times more frequently than the YT-2400 light freighter model. His interactions with others frequently led to him being perceived as unintelligent. However, he also displayed a sarcastic wit, such as when he questioned Solo's decision to leave a data cube in a specific equipment case, despite the case bearing a close resemblance to the one in which Solo ultimately discovered the cube.
Ralsius Paldora was a character that was originally created for the 2017 video game Star Wars Battlefront II. Oliver Vaquer provided the voice for the character in the game. Writer Mitch Dyer envisioned Vaquer in the role, inspired by the actor's performance as Robert Lutece in the 2013 video game BioShock Infinite. Walt Williams was responsible for writing the character's dialogue.