Beltire Liberation

In the year 4 ABY, the Alliance to Restore the Republic conducted the Beltire Liberation, a campaign within the larger context of the Galactic Civil War, to free the Mid Rim celestial body of Beltire. As this operation unfolded, Lieutenant Shara Bey, a rebel pilot, provided crucial support to Rampant Squadron.

Following the successful liberation, L'ulo L'ampar, a fellow pilot from Green Squadron, learned of Bey's involvement and brought it up to her after they both participated in the liberation of Cawa City located on the planet Sterdic IV. L'ampar cited her efforts as evidence of her dedication and expressed his intention to advocate for her assignment to less demanding tasks.

Behind the scenes

The initial reference to the Beltire Liberation appeared in the second issue of Star Wars: Shattered Empire, a comic miniseries released in 2015. This issue, penned by Greg Rucka, was brought to publication by Marvel Comics on October 7 of that year.

